
Poem Revision

                                          Mom who gives us happiest time
     There are so many kinds of poem,but there was only one topic that I interested in. About mom. This poem called ”When I was a small child” When I told Ms.Guarino I want to choose this, she said this doesn't has so much fun. I thought she was right, this poem was boring compare with others. This time I just want to keep my choice because I have confident to memorize this. Be honest, this was not a short poem, lucky Daniel found a easy way. There are many sentences that reflects my own life, when I first time read it, I felt “wow we have same experience.” This poem might be written when author was an old age, so author wrote this for expressing he misses his mom so much. This is true, the time we can hide under mom’s embrace is the happiest time. When we getting old,we miss that love very much.
    Two stanza build this poem, and each sentence has end rhyme, so it can actually fits any background music. And when I read aloud with expression,it sounds like singing. Speaker wrote this on purpose because mom talking to children sounds soft and gentle. And two stanza use same form that both start with “When I was a small child.” This form is helpful for me to memorize.
    At the beginning of the first stanza, author told the scene that everybody in their babyhood experienced. When a baby got hurt and he is crying, mom gentley consoles baby. I remember when I was a child my mom brought me toys for stop me crying. And here author wrote “giggle me” it is a none, but in poem it can be used as a verb which I think it means tickle. This is possible mom wants to make baby laugh. After that as baby growing, they will know life is full of traps, it is necessary to “find your way” thus to achieve the goal. Meanwhile mom plays a role as guide. “Life has difficult decisions and you were my guide. You tought me how to decide. You told me that the bad should be denied.” This is happened in childhood, mom helps children to build feeling of judge which is right which is wrong.
    The second stanza is expressing the love to mom. In the first two sentences, it describes when children are growing, they will do certain things wrong,and mom carefully helps children to fix the mistakes.People always say mom plays a role of children’s the most important teacher, although they might don't teach children much academic stuffs,they teach how to be a good person. They build children characteristics.(As I gre. w I’ve done a few wrong things and it’s true.) Author repeated two times that he has so many things to tell mom and it all about love. “there‘s a lot of thing I’ve wanted to tell you.” and “but one thing that I want to know is that” These two sentences shows children have so many things to tell mom because they know mom is the best person who takes care of them. However the part that children want to tell mom is not long sentence. It is just a simple I LOVE YOU. They might feel no matter how many fancy words cannot describe their indebted heart.
    Mom dry your eye when you cry, mom hold up you when you fell. Under mom’s protection,nothing can hurts you. This poem actually moved me, I recalled the days I spent with my mom. Mom held bike when I was learning how to ride,that time I felt I was totally safe that mom was not strong or tall,but her care makes me trust her. This poem didn't tell specific what actually happened between speaker and mom,the magical thing is I could related to my experiences. It was just like this poem is for everyone and everyone has their own understanding which based on own memory with mom. I love this poem because it did not using fancy words,but just these simple words built a warm poem.


Poem theme

Two stanzas poem that each sentences are end rhyme shows Leon misses his mom so much. As time pass,he became a adult then he realized the time under mom's protection is the happiest time.


Peer review

                                Peer review

     When I first saw Veeti’s poem review, I liked how he organized. He first explained the poem’s meaning. This was helpful for readers that never seen this peom before because he explained well which included many details. For example he describeb a beautilful and peaceful scene when spring comes. However he fogot to mention poem’s name in essay, he only worte word “March” to be his essay ‘s topic, and I predicted this is poem’s name. It is important to write actual sentence to say poem’s name,or else readers will feel confused.
    He did included a part of explaining structure of this poem, he was being a expert of poem’s structure that nothing can skipped by him. This was good whether for him or readers, author usually used seperate stanza to show seperate time period. During he was trying to know structure, he also benifited that understanding peom’s meaning better.
   There was one more thing I really impressed he did well, in his conclusion he explained his theme clearly. However as a reader I felt it was strange. In the previous paragraph, he didn't even mention what is the theme. So this is kind of confused, a good way to solve this is write theme in the beginning of the essay as well. Introduction and conclusion responses to each other is the key point how to write well organized essay. And there is a question in the conclusion, this might mess up theme, because question usually shows up in the beginning as a hook.
     However I felt his essay lacks something which is own opinion,he just told what author thought. Why don't combine own experience and author’s thought. Author’s thought always not own stuffs, your experiences are yours. Experiences can also be the evidence to support theme.
      It was a good work which can see put much effort. And this is how we do poem review. This essay also can be the note when you try to remember some stuffs in poem.


Theater review

   All in all this was a very creative and interesting drama, this one was totally different from< Peter Pan> and <once on the island>. It more likes a comedy show. There were a lot of performances,for example dancing,funny show and singing. One thing I noticed is there were a number of actors are good at singing. John’s solo singing was really good.
    My roommate is James who in charged of lights. He told me he did few mistakes in the show, it was actually a hard work because it requires jame to focus for a long time. Even I was an audience I felt tired sometimes. William has talent of acting, he is a pure comedian. In a short drama, actors usually don't have much time to show character’s personality step by step. So it needs exaggerated actors to present to the audience. William did a great job,he brought so much fun for us.
    “Morning Meeting” is my favorite show and I guess this one has the most people involved in. Every actors play a role of an Cheshire Academy family member. When they stranded on stage, the first person I saw is Ms.Minahan with red hair and weaving. That was exactly same. Mr.Dykemen and Ms.Anderson also showed up,I mean John and Amonia. I was really impressed by their actor’s spirit that can catch people’s detail. Ms.Anderson speaks sound and how Mr.Dykemen stands that leaning on the rostrum with a cup of coffee. And he usually wears a light grey sweater. There is one more teacher I remember who was Ms.Digiacomo. “Somebody really practiced hard” became a popular sentence spoke from her.
    Anyway this was the most interesting one for me among previous two. Because I watched the show on Friday night which was the first time,but I didn't see any mistakes. This honor is for everyone, Ms.Guarino,actors,lighting engineers, backstage and audiences.


When I was a small child

   There are so many kinds of poem,but there was only one topic that I interested in. About mom. This poem called <When I was a small child>. When I told Ms.Gunrino I want to choose this, she said this doesn't has so much fun. I thought she was right, this poem was boring compare with others. This time I just want to keep my choice because I have confident to memorize this. Be honest, this was not a short poem, lucky Daniel found a easy way. There are many sentences that reflects my own life, when I first time read it, I felt “wow we have same experience.” This poem might be written when author was an old age, so author wrote this for expressing he misses his mom so much. This is true, the time we can hide under mom’s embrace is the happiest time.
   Two stanza build this poem, and each sentence has end rhyme, so it can actually fits any background music. And when I read aloud with expression,it sounds like singing. And two stanza use same form that both start with “When I was a small child.” This form is helpful for me to memorize.
  At the beginning of the first stanza, author told the scene that everybody in their babyhood experienced. When a baby got hurt and he is crying, mom gentley consoles baby. I remember when I was a child my mom brought me toys for stop me crying. And here author wrote “giggle me” it is a none, but in poem it can be used as a verb which I think it means tickle. This is possible mom wants to make baby laugh. After that as baby growing, they will know life is full of traps, it is necessary to “find your way” thus to achieve the goal. Meanwhile mom plays a role as guide. “Life has difficult decisions and you were my guide. You tought me how to decide. You told me that the bad should be denied.” This is happened in childhood, mom helps children to build feeling of judge which is right which is wrong.
  The second stanza is expressing the love to mom. In the first two sentences, it describes when children are growing, they will do certain things wrong,and mom carefully helps children to fix the mistakes. Author repeated two times that he has so many things to tell mom and it all about love. “there‘s a lot of thing I’ve wanted to tell you.” and “but one thing that I want to know is that” These two sentences shows children have so many things to tell mom because they know mom is the best person who takes care of them. However the part that children want to tell mom is not long sentence. It is just a simple I LOVE YOU. They might feel no matter how many fancy words cannot describe their indebted heart.
    Mom dry your eye when you cry, mom hold up you when you fell. Under mom’s protection,nothing can hurts you. This poem actually moved me, I recalled the days I spent with my mom. I love this poem because it did not using fancy words,but just these simple words built a warm poem.



When I was a small child

by Joao De Leon

When I was a small child.
you held my hand and smiled.
When I got hurt I would cry.
you would giggle and dry my eye.
life has difficult decisions and you were my guide.
you taught me how to decide.
you told me that the bad should be denied.
and that family should never be put aside.
when I was a small child.
I was a little wild.
as I grew I've done a few wrong things and it's true.
there's a lot of things I've wanted to tell you.
and when we have problems we always make it through.
but one thing that I want you to know is that


Homework Found Poem

The attack on the World Trade Center was one of the most observed catastrophes in history, and those who fell or jumped from the towers were, briefly, its most public victims. They emerged one or two at a time from a blanket of smoke and fire that rendered mass death virtually invisible. Nearly all the others killed that day -- whether high in the trade center, on board the hijacked airplanes or deep inside the Pentagon -- were beyond the sight of survivors and witnesses.

 9/11 is the we should remember,
 Because this attack is the most observed catastrophe.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because that day World Trade Center collapsed.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because there were plenty of people dead.

 Innocent people were killed,
 Whether high whether high in the trade center,
 on board the hijacked airplanes,
 or deep inside the Pentagon.

9/11 is the day we should all remember
We lost too much...
the world turn to white when New Year's Eve
I had never seen
so much snow
The snow keeps falling and falling
When we sleep.
That is my favorite memory
Cheshire academy is like a big family.
There are students from 17 states and 30 countries.
Living in this supportive community
We can learn many things.


The fig tree

  In the very beginning of the poem, we know the Father loves figs very much. He hopes those cherry trees are fig trees. Because he thinks fig tree is the gift from heaven. This big fig tree is the first thing his father dreams and finishes. It means a lot to his father, so that is why he takes care of that tree carefully and softly. Anyway this tree is a key go through and whole poem and all the stories happened around the fig tree.


Birds  sing happily
 ready to welcome the day
of fresh blooming spring.
Birds singing happily
Be ready to welcome the new day
Of fresh feeling spring.
  <Right here waiting For you> is like my friend who has been stayed with me since I was a child. First time I heard of this poem when my father was listening to it. So it could say I was actually influenced by my father a lot, but that time I didn't understand what it tells. The only thing I remember author really expressed his emotion strong. As I growing up I know this is a very good example that can be both called poem and lyrics. It is a nine stanzas poem,but each stanza includes different numbers of lines. I think it is because of the difference between chorus and verse. Richard Marx loves a girl and one day he wrote this down and sing to the girl on phone. It is as expected this girl became Richard Marx’s wife.
  It is about a man gave a call to his lover telling how hard he is missing her. “If I see you next to never, how can we say forever” This man sounds like suspecting if this love can be forever. On the other hand, he promised “wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.” I think most of the people are moved by this sentence. He uses parallel construction to express no matter how hard the future will be, he will never give up. He will be right here waiting for her. This is not a complex sentence, but author just used the easy sentence to hit on soft part in our hearts. This poem is not hard to remember because attentive Richard Marx wrote certain rhymes in this poem. For examples “oh,can't you see it baby? You’ve got me going crazy” that baby and crazy are match. “ whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks.”which are takes and breaks.



Richard Marx – Right Here Waiting Lyrics
Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Waiting for you

This is a good example of both poem and lyrics by Richard Marx. This is my father favorite song, so I usually heard of this song when I was a child. As I growing up, I know it is about a man waiting for his lover and he doesn't care wherever she goes, whatever she does, he just be there and waiting for her. I was moved by how he expressed his emotion, and his spirit. It is kind of means never give up what you used to do, holding hope to keep going. There are also certain excellent rhyme in this poem which made this poem easy to remember.


Project reflection

             New Idea, New Experience

      At first, I want to say “ Thank You” to Ms.Guarino. Because she did not required this project must be essay form. I remember last time after we finished <Me and You>, we had to write a long essay. However this time, we have chances to create our own intersting project. So me, johnny and james made a team that we decided to take a film of part of the plot in < Pobby and Dingan>.This is a fun because I never done it before, I really learnt something whether how to act or how to do the teamwork. I think this is a very memoryable experience for me.
    When we heard from Ms Guarinao that we do not need to work personaly. What I thought first is to find partners. Then James and Johnny became my partners. Our project team has the largest amount of people in this class, so I thought it seems like it is our responsibility to creative a fancy and difficult project. There are two opotions came out which were PPT and Making Film. One day extra help time Johnny went to ask Ms.Guarino’s opinion. Ms.Guarino said they both good ideas, but we could see from her eyes that she more liked Making film because she might thought this is more creative. We had a short disscusion about what we were going to do. The result is Making Film.
The first day we started, we just found some dialogues from book’s chapter one and chapter six. Our first step was pretty essay, but we did not want to say excatly same with the book, so we changed some sentences. Another reason we changed is there are certain sentences are hard to memory. For showing how creative we are, we directly mixed two apart things together. In book after Rex and Annie has a row, it takes a long time that annie looks old photos to remember past times. We just decide there is no gap between these events. After annie argued with Rex, she was so sad then she took out pictures to express her emotion. Annie saw those pictures for a reason which made the plot not strange.
   There are two parts in our film and each parts has two mates to act and another one takes the film. I acted father Rex, Johnny acted mom and James was Ashmol. For my part my sentences were not difficult, the challenge is how to express emotion correctly. Rex as a man he has to take care of the whole family,but he carries too tired, and annie lost her job. So Rex has to suddenly be so angry, when I looked at johnny’s face, it is really hard to be angry. We at least tried three times for that. The last time I imagined I was really Rex and Johnny was really annie. What I learnt is when you want to act well, it is important to forget who you are now but put yourself into the character. After we finished taking a film, we felt it was just strange two people were just having conversation. It seemed like not real. For this difficult point, we came out a great idea. Johnny gave me a drink when I entered the room, this made the scene real. This is one of the skill I learnt from acting. There is one more interesting thing during filming is about muscle. We used James Ipad Pro to film which was extremely heavy, lucky I was strong enough to hold for three minutes.
   Post-production was tough work for me, we had to use computer to put in several background music. We combined separately scene into one film. We also communicated with Min, now his music is added in our film. I guess that is kind of a teamwork. After we finished the film, I was so proud of myself. Be honest this is my first time doing big project. I enjoyed when we doing this, it has so much fun because everything was new to me. I learnt things that I didn’t know before, For example how to act and how to process film. This project is a new idea and new experince for me. I like this!


There are two scenes in our film, and we just finished one scene during the weekend. When we were actually acting, I found it was not hard. I don't need to act anything on the second scene, so I am going to edit this film after we finished acting. The tool we are going to edit called IMovie.


  In my opinion Project is a big work that several people put much effort in it. So for getting a good grade, we are going to make a wonderful film. And we decided to change some plots because it will be more creative. Also it is a film, it is a good idea to let audiences see different thing but not just follow what the book tells.We have three people in this group, me James and Johnny, and we have two scenes which is going to take about ten minutes.
    First of all I think it is a challenge for me, I have to memorize what I should say in the film. Then acting needs skills that make people think its true.
   For two scenes, we are going to act after mom and dad had an argument and Ashmol found mom was looking at the old photos. Ashmol will have a conversation with her mom for consoling her. These are going to happen one by one which was a little bit different from the book. ( having argument in the first chapter and looking at photos in the sixth chapter )
   Johnny is going to be mom and I am father, James is going to be cute Ashmol. I hope I can learn how to act through this project. Anyway I believe we are going to finish this project perfectly.
1: kellyane was not dead.
2: opal was given back.
3: Kellyane talked more to Pobby and Dingan in funeral.


  When I first see this quote, I was so confused. I checked some unknown words in this sentence,but it is not pretty useful. So I tried to find something connect with the book. It seems like every story has a thing that can be called hint keep appearing in the story, and all the plots happened around this hint. For example this opal, author needs to say story’s theme based on this opal. Opal is beautiful and colorful,but every one in this town eager to find the opal for changing to money. If it is not that valuable, no one tries so hard to find one. So everyone just likes opal’s value rather than opal’s appearance. That is what I understand this quote "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." in general.
    I think this opal run through the whole story, and it is also a symbol for every members in the family. Rex as a father is not a excellent father, at least he could not like other fathers that make much money. So from other’s view, he is a kind of loser, having not good relationship with his wife, becoming a ratter. Even Annie his wife sometimes looked at photos that with his exboyfriend, she must has a little bit regret, why I follow this man but not that rich man. Anyway Rex shows many bad sides to others, that is all his substance. However he finished all his daughter dream, for instance looking for Pobby and Dingan in the claim, holding a funeral for Pobby and Dingan. Rex took a heavy responsbility for her daughter and he never complained. That is his absence. Same as Annie, although she regrets, when Ashmol comes to her room, she hides those photos. This shows she does not want his child see her flimsy time. Ashmol looks young, so their parents never think about he is able to do something helpful for this family. The amazing part is he actually does much more things than anyone else to make kellyane better. He is begining to learn how to be a man.I think he knows Pobby and Dingan are not real, he still helps his sister find them and hold the funeral. He just thinks simple that he wants his siter feeling better. He deserved to get that sentence from Kellyane: You are the best brother. Kellyane has no firends in scholl, some children might think she is lonely and strange, but she lives happy when she spending the time with Pobby and Dingan. People think she is poor without any real friends. In fact it is the same, she has someone to care about to cherish. The only difference is others cannot see them.
    This small poor family seems easy to break, but they all have something shining inside of their nature which can save them. Change a word, how they show to others or how they act is not necessary important, what is amazing is their absences personalities must on the same track so that is valuable for the family.



It mentioned the land was a sea for making readers believe Pobby and Dingan are real. This evidence proves everything is possible in this world, a land was covered by sea is real. Why Pobby and Dingan are not? Another reason why it mentioned is because it will explain well why a huge yo yo size opal exist in here. So this story become more compact.

Dreams are import even it could not be seen because it could supports one's life. Sometimes everything is already so hard for someone,but he doesn't want to give up. He needs a goal to finish. For example Rex. Rex is a father who had one daughter and one son, he had a heavy responsibility to support this family. However he could not make much money. He had a dream to be rich, so he could get well along with his wife because his wife thought he didn't not has way to make this family be rich. His dream was not only be rich, he wanted to use money to make his children live better and happier. So he had another dream who hope every family members are healthy and fine.


Pobby and Dingan

Dingan is a girl with blue eyes, that is what Kellyanne said. Her eyes might be like a spring moon which is bent.I think she must be beautiful with straight golden hair,but not long because dingan in my vision is a cute  
Lively girl. She is lively and like going everywhere so that is why caused Kellyanne thought she lost in claim. She has a heart of exploring. Kellyanne also said Dingan wearing a fancy opal, I imagined it is blue like a ocean color. It is match with her eyes. Her has a skinny body thus she could run fast. Dingan enjoyed swing. If she were fat, I don't think she would enjoy this. And she spoke English but not Australian, so she was possibly has a feeling of Britain that lively with elegant.  

Pobby I think he is a cool boy but not outgoing. He is a shy boy. He has a brown hair and dark skin. These characteristic shows he was a composed and mature boy. He was not like Dingan who was so lively but he is super mellow. And based on my imagination he should be a strong and tough boy who can easily protect Dingan. 




Mum asked one night when she’d got back from her job on the checkout at Khan’s and me and Dad were relaxing after a hard afternoon’s work out at the claim.
A place with metals owned by someone

The noise of a car drove into our ears and a four-wheel-drive police jeep came wobbling down the creamy red track that leads to our claim.

My dad turned around, startled.

I walked over to where Pobby was supposed to be sitting and punched the air and kicked the air in the head to show Kellyanne that Pobby was a figment of her imaginings.
The unreal thing

Looking for
He rummaged through piles of rocks

I slammed the door of the ute in Dingan’s face
Small truck

Strange person
It made you want to be sick all over the place. Lightning Ridge was full of flaming crackpots as far as I could see.

Mello Yello
I said,hiding my anger in a swig from my can of Mello Yellow.

People who work or live with you. “I still say Kellyanne could do with some real-live mates,”

A valuable stone. "My dad would come back from the opal mines covered in dust, his beard like the back end of a dog that’s shat all over its tail."

. Australian idiom for "Are you sure?". “Fairdinkum?”

existing only in your mind or imagination. "but I wasn’t crazy enough to talk to imaginary friends, I’ll tell you that for nothing."

 food. "She said they were quieter and better behaved than me and deserved the grub."

.Become stone. "There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it."

 An old animal liked elephant which lived in the ancient time. "There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it."

Are Pobby and Dingan real?

   Pobby and Dingan are two people who Kellyanne loved, but I think they are not real. In my opinion they are just Kellyanne's spiritual friends. There are several evidences showing my thesis.
    First the father thought Kellyanne was bored when Kellyanne asked where is Pobby and Dingan. If it is real, as a father he should be very patiently help Kellyanne. Oppositely, he doesn't care about this. This shows Pobby and Dingan are not real people. Second, his dad was shocked when he knows his daughter was playing with two non-existence friends.  " where is my little girl?” Dad asked. “Outside playing with some friends,” said my mum, fixing my dad a look straight between the eyes. “Pobby and Dingan?” “Yup.” My dad sighed. “Jesus! That girl’s round the twist,” he said. " I think his dad got shocked because he cannot believe how can Kellyanne played with them. That is also why the mom answered the father " No she isn't ,she is just different."


Favorite character Once on the Island

          My favorite character in Once On the island is Ti-moun. She didn't dress fancy but just because of this, it can shows she is a pleasant. She is a kind girl who love to save people even she met him first time. Second I like her personality that she can do everything for the person she loves. It means she is a confident girl, she doesn't afraid to express her love. Oppositely she is a lively girl, so I am pretty sure her lover will in a happy mood everyday. Ti-moune this character is my personal ideal lover.


Once on the Island

   Friday night, I went to Black Box to see a romantic drama called Once On The Island. We are required to go and I also wanted to see because I was curious. Before I watched this show, I knew there are two members of English class working in drama. They were min who played clarinet and Yichen who drew the background. When I entered into gym I was appreaciated that everything was arranged in a good order. There were some people selling chips and some people were sending brief introduction.
   There were three kinds of groups in this world, pleasant, rich people and gods( love, water, earth and death). Story began on an island, there was a couple found a orphan, they gave her a name--Ti moune. She was a kind girl. After so many years, she grew up. One day she met a rich man lying on the ground that almost died. I think it is so clever to let audience know he is a rich man because rich man wearing a white blazer which is totally different with the pleasant. She wanted to save him, so she prayed. Death god came here and said: “his life is mine now.”, but Ti-moune prayed so honestly. Then Love god came and saved that man. They fall in love. However the ending is not happy. The rich man thought their background were totally different, so he married with a rich girl. Ti- moune was so sad about it. She didn't eat and sleep for many days. Unfortunately Ti- moune dead. And gods made her become a tree which could live forever.
   This is a better story than Peter Pan because I didn't understand Peter Pan. Once on the Island is easy to know what happened. I was moved by this sad romantic story, and I felt Daniel was worldly, meanwhile I fealt deep regret about Ti-moune’s death. This story reflects a real fact in nowadays that some true romances are often killed by people’s background. People find lover are not just based on feeling but also money, appearance and rank.


Visiting to Writing center

   This is my second time visiting Writing Center. However this time, I felt I have so many problems to solve, I brought missions to Writing Center. Before I enter Writing Center, I had already have three things ready to fix.
   The first thing is always grammar mistake. I forgot to put some preposition between words that makes my sentences are not well organized. That is the easiest problem to solve but also it is important because let readers to understand is basic. I remember my last time,I mentioned I have to try to avoid grammar mistake. I still have a long way to go. The second thing I have prove is about quotes, I found I lacked quotes in my paper when I was reading. I just cannot find perfect quotes or I didn't find a good place to put in. The teacher in Writing center suggested me to put some quotes in as well. I think quotes’s function are gathering evidences for supporting thesis. That helps me to build my essay’s structure well. Another thing about quotes is the form, for example writing author name and page number. For the last one, I had been worried for many days until I came to Writing Center. It is about structure. I felt my essay was unorganized,but the teacher said it is fine. She really gave me courage and confidence.
     There is something interesting for this visiting. Last time she just helped me to fix some problems on the paper. However this time, she lead us to think about something that is critical. It is a kind of way expanding writing. She asks me to think about why children ducks follow their mom in the pond, why wild goose fly in team and why wolves hunt together? I said they could do things better because there are more than one particle, they are able to communicate each other which called teamwork. After I answered her question I got the her main point that communication is important in life, it is a smart way to learn things from others.
     In general, it is helpful. She gave me confidence to countinue writing. I like the way she helped me that focus on critical thinking more.



In general it is a hard essay. First it requires too many words, so I have to think about many sides to write. In these sentences, there might be some sentences that are useless or it doesn't matter if they are not exist. It makes this essay's structure not very organized. I think the first thing I have to do better is making thesis stronger. It is confused if it is not organized. Therefore I have to put more words explaining my thesis in the introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraph.  Second thing is what we focused on the most which is analysis. I remember when I last year. We usually wrote what  actually happened in the book. We did not have to include our opinions. However this essay gave me a big challenge. I found there are 60 percent that writing summary and 40 percent that writing analysis. In my opinion, a good essay has to be equal  amount of summary and analysis. That is my weakness. I used to write a long paragraph of summary, and it lost its balance. For avoiding this, I fixed it that I wrote many analysis. I feel analysis is just  my responding to this book, then I feel more free to write. And my strength is opinion that I think there are many evidences to support my thesis.


My favorite sentence

In my opinion man can overcome thing, in this period he might feel tired and want to give up. However they need someone to lead them out.

I like this sentence because it tells only a man sometimes can't overcome, but he needs a prop to support him and give advice to him.


First draft

     People always saying a boy grows up to a man when he becomes mature, but most of the people doesn't know what is a mature man or what things make them be mature. In my opinion man can overcome something. In this period, he might feel tired and wants to give up. However they need some one to lead them out. That is fine as long as he beats the difficulty.
    < Me and You> telling a story a boy called Lorenzo who had some problems to communicate with others, and a doctor said he was lacking interests or cares for others except his mom and dad. In his world there were only a few people. However when he was really cares or loves someone, he would be very angry when one tries to hurt them. One day two men crushed on his mom’s car and they said many bad words to his mom. He felt angry and wanted to kill them. There was a skiing trip but he did not want to join in, otherwise he did not want to his mom know too he had concerned. So he just lie to his mom, but actually he just stayed in the cellar to avoid this activity. In a morning he heard someone knocked the door, he went there to check who it was and found it was his half-sister Olivia. At first Lorenzo did not care about this sister or can even say dislike, so their relationship was not that good. Day by day, as they lived together they began to know each other. Lorenzo found Olivia took drugs and her situation was bad, she kept vomiting and shaking. For making her better Lorenzo went to hospital to steal some medicines for his sister. One day when Lorenzo wake up, he found Olivia was gone and left a letter. “ Thanks for helping me, I will stop taking drugs and we will see each other again.”  After ten years Lorenzo went to see Olivia last time. Olivia was dead by taking too much drugs.
    I think Lorenzo had a really big change that affected by Olivia. And this is a good change for him. Everyone has their period that lost when they were teenagers, once you break out of this perplexed time, you would be mature. In my opinion, there are two factors helping you. First one is external factor which in most of the situations are human. For example Olivia is an external factor for Lorenzo. This external factor is really essential, because this person has his own thoughts that can teach. Olivia’s accomplishment is opening Lorenzo’s heart. So Lorenzo was able to react to this world. There is a good saying “ everyone is your teacher” proves external factor is really important. Another factor is inside factor, that means itself has to do much efforts. At the beginning it is hard or it can be called suffering. Lorenzo was forced to live with Olivia, and he feels uncomfortable living with her. However when someone really cares about one person, he might to do anything for this person. He might be afraid of doing this stuff, but when he thinks about the person he cares, he has no more fear. Changing a person only need external factor is not enough because itself has to put efforts to change, and all the power comes from the person he cherishes.
   The Karate Kid is about a Kung Fu boy named Park. He was immigrated from America to China. At first he did not know how to communicate with others. Students in school spoke Chinese and he was not good at it. And it was also about culture, their way of making friends were different. Park was outgoing, so he enjoyed talking to anbody. However there was a group of students who practiced Kung Fu did not like his style. So their leader- Wang just announced I would punch you because you talked to the girl I like. Park was unlucky, he was beat up by Wang. After this thing happened he met a water tube worker, but he was a master of Kung Fu. Mr.han decided to teach Park Kung Fu so he could be able to protect himself. And they also agreed on one day Wang and Park would have a competition.In the beginning, Park was easily to get angry when he practiced because he usually imagined when he punches Wang. Mr.han asked him to control his motion. Day by day park was turning into a mature boy. At last he won the competition.
    In this time, Park changed a lot in two sides which were body and his emotion. I think being mature shows on many ways,the biggest one is trying to control emotion. Sometimes it is easily to lose discretion when you are angry, then it is possible to make things worse. So a real man don't act on impulse, they always control their emotion. I think that is what Mr.han wanted to teach Park. A meaningful sentence that Mr.han said to Park “ Kung Fu is not about punching but controlling emotion” shows Mr.han wanted Park being an undefeated man that nothing can hold him back. Man can beat anything if he has a strong heart.


The novel Me And You and the film Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind both telling stories people's changing. They own hope in their minds to change to a better future.
The novel Me And You and the film The Karate Kid both telling stories that teenagers changing personalities to earn the hope.



Thesis statement: Me And You and The Karate Kid are similar because they both tell a story that how someone changed or afftected a boy. And these affects made them to learn how to be more mature.

First paragraph: telling what happened in Me and You. Trying to write detailed ( lorenzo’s problem and his relationship with his sister )so it can be easily compare with The Karate Kid.

Topic sentence:  Lorenzo’s sister and Lorenzo had their own fantastic experience in basement and they both learned something from each other.

Second paragraph: Analyse what sides did Lorenzo changed.

Topic sentence: Lorenzo changed more mature than before.

Third paragraph: describing The Karate Kid’s plot. He is a boy immigrate to China but bullied by others. For protecting himselves he began to learn Kung Fu.

Topic sentence: He grow up that he knew Kung Fu is not only about paunches but trying to master himself.

Fourth Paragraph: Analyse how did his Kung Fu teacher affect on him.

Topic Sentence: When ones knows how to master himself, it is the time he becames mature.

Fifth Paragraph: Compare these two charcater that what are similar what are different.

Topic sentence: Teenagers have to have someone to help them grow up.


Snow days

Snow days

Snow days were shorter than other days.
I slept over the whole mornings,
So I relaxed well.

Snow days were dirtier than other days.
I did snow angel,
So I got snow on my body

Snow days were whiter than other days.
There were snow everywhere outside and there were some snowflakes falling down.
So that was a beautiful vision.

Anyway snow days had so much fun and I relaxed well,
So I loved snow days.



    The Karate Kid is a good example that shows two people’s relationship. And it was used to be my favourite movie because there was a main character same age with me at that time. He was my idol, I admired his hardworking. There are many chinese knew this film, this film was taken in Beijing which was my hometown. So I felt very familiar.
   Parker was a boy who immigrated from America to China, At first he felt neverous because everything was new to him. He did not have any friends, but there was a girl called MeiYing became his friend. In this school, a group of people who praticed Kung Fu did not like Parker. The reason is simple, the leader of this group liked MeiYing, He didn’t want anyone try to get closer to MeiYing. No doubt this leader fought with Parker, they were not actually fighting. Park was so weak to fight with a boy who learned Kung Fu. Then a master of Kung Fu called Mr.han appeared. He wanted to teach Park Kung Fu then Park would get no more bully. In fact trainning was hard, Parker practiced everydays. As days passes, his body was getting stronger and stronger. Not only his body, Mr.han also taught him that Kung Fu is not only about paunches but trying to control one’s emotion. At last Parker won the competition with that leader. r
   Mr.han really affected on him that teaching him many things. And Parker got stronger and stronger whether body or emotion. He became more mature.


Three movies

Forrest gump
A boy who had a talent for sports but not clever was affected by his mom. His mom really helped him a lot in his lifetime.

The Karate Kid
A boy immigrated from America was often bullied by others in China. A Kung Fu teacher taught him how to protect himself and how to be tough.

The boy in the striped pajamas
A boy whose father is an officer in Germany army. One day he found a Jewish  boy who suffered in concentration camp. This Jewish boy let this boy knew their situations.


Me and you blog

                                                                            YUPING ZONG
                                            Me and You book review

     At first I felt this is a odd story because everyone seems to have strange personalities. In fact this is really a odd story. I do not like this book at all, ending is bad. I am the person more like to read happy ending book. When I read Olivia is dead due to overdrugs I was shocked and then I began to suspect that is not the truth. That night Olivia just promised Lorenzo not going to take drugs again, but the reason why she died is taking too much drugs. Ending was different with my imagination. I expected after the time they spent in cellar, they both began to change. For Lorenzo, he might be an talktive and outgoing boy. And for Olivia, she would not take drugs again and find a boy who really loves her and they were going to have their peace happy lives. And after many years they would meet agian, they would be suprised how each other changed and thanked to each other for affecting themselves.
    I felt shame and pity for Olivia because I always believe she is a good and smart girl. She became like this (smoking, drinking beers, taking drugs and having sex with an ungly man) due to his father. She hated her father who never gave enough love to Olivia, so Olivia had to take care of herself which is really hard for a teen girl. Olivia looked like a strong girl that do everything on her won, but I think she is not the way that she looked like. She was just pretending to be strong, she definitely needed true love from somebody. That is why her relatioship with Lorenzo was getting better and better as time passed. I think Lorenzo could feel that there is something on Olivia was similar with himself. They were “ on the same boat”. So Lorenzo usually took care of Olivia, for example helpling her stand, passing her clothes and even steal the medcine for her.
    I think Lorenzo would grow up and be more mature though this. After Olivia said goodbye, he must felt that communicating with other people is not that hard, and it is possible to begin outgoing from that time. Unfortunately Olivia and Lorenzo did not keep in touch, but Lorenzo was getting better and better to join the society. In some ways, Olivia really changed Lorenzo and Olivia got heal from Lorenzo too. However it is just hard for Olivia to change good because Olivia was an adult already. And drugs were not easy to cut out.
   Although I do not like this book, I still learn something. One’s personality can be changed by someone. Life is a process that learning things, there must be something affects on you and then change you. This change might be good or bad. For example Olivia, her father and mother divorced so she began to turn to bad. For example Lorenzo, he was a boy who enjoy being lonely before but then Olivia changed him.


Chapters 5&6

       Lorenzo has a stepsister named Olivia, who was very beautiful in the past. As the book saying“Instead she was incredibly beautiful, one of those girls…...your face burns red.” In my opinion, their relationships are not good. There are two evidences shows why they are not quite close.First they just met several times, they are not like other brothers and sisters that stay together at home the whole time. They were not able to stay together because lorenzo’s mom does not like Olivia’s mom who related to dad. Second evidence is at first Lorenzo does not want to let Olivia live in this cellar.
      I try to imagine if I had a close sister, I would immediately open the door for her. However not like Lorenzo that has to think about it for a while. There are also some other reasons why Lorenzo does not want her sister lives in. Foods are not enough for two people and space is not enough as well. Lorenzo is a chary boy that he has to think about many sides of one thing to make sure there is nothing make him in trouble. Because of his clever mind, he agrees her sister can get in. Her sister tries to “threaten” Lorenzo.
( Lorenzo is afraid that his mom is going to know he avoids skiing in the cellar.) Except this, Lorenzo also wants get help from Olivia who can pretend to be Alessia’s mom and call to Lorenzo’s mom to prove there is nothing wrong about Lorenzo. However that happens later because Lorenzo does not know his mom calls Alessia’s mom. In order to keep this huge lie alive, Lorenzo follows what Olivia orders. “ Olivia says to Lorenzo: ‘Repeat, I swear on my parent’s lives that I will be Olivia Cuni’s slave.’”
      In fact he does not really wants her sister in, they just kind of making a contract that benefit each other. Her sister promises she is not going to tell his mom and only stay for one night, then Olivia is able to find a place to sleep. I think Lorenzo feels sorry about Olivia is when he see Olivia’s shoes is dirty. Also Olivia is too weak and shows like long time no eating foods. “She was so thin,all bones, with long narrow feet, a thin neck like a greyhound and wide shoulders, and her arms…” Lorenzo finds shadow of himself from Olivia that their father does not take care of them well. There are sentences in book wrote like this” I am writing to thank you for the money. Each time you get me out of trouble using your wealth I ask myself: if money didn’t exist in this world, how would my father help me?” He realizes Olivia is like himself’s situation that not often get love from dad but always money. He clearly empathizes her, so he wants give Olivia some warmness except wealth. Although Lorenzo is odd,but Lorenzo thinks her sister lives badly. So he just agrees Olivia can live here.


He went to ski but he thought it was boring, so he went to find his dad to avoid.


    My friend told me it was kind of wasting time if I don't go skiing during winter break. Beijing is very cold in winter, so the snow are good enough to ski. One day I went there and I really wore very warm because my mom kept telling me it was cold. We picked Wednesday to go, so there were not many people.
    I knew how to ski before, but this time I was not sure I could handle it. So at first I went to a beginner road, it was pretty easy, road was not abrupt or wriggle. I easily went through that road with out tumble. I thought I was ready to go the intermediate road,but I still felt nervous about it. My father understood me so he decided to go with me. I could see there were less people than beginner road. When I was skiing, I tried to slow my speed because it was dangerous that I crush on somebody. At last I got used to it, I felt it was not a hard job.
   This time I enjoyed and meanwhile I made breakthrough that I was able to accomplish the intermediate on my own. I will try to higher level.  I think it was a good advice from my friend. I will go to ski again next winter break.