
First draft

     People always saying a boy grows up to a man when he becomes mature, but most of the people doesn't know what is a mature man or what things make them be mature. In my opinion man can overcome something. In this period, he might feel tired and wants to give up. However they need some one to lead them out. That is fine as long as he beats the difficulty.
    < Me and You> telling a story a boy called Lorenzo who had some problems to communicate with others, and a doctor said he was lacking interests or cares for others except his mom and dad. In his world there were only a few people. However when he was really cares or loves someone, he would be very angry when one tries to hurt them. One day two men crushed on his mom’s car and they said many bad words to his mom. He felt angry and wanted to kill them. There was a skiing trip but he did not want to join in, otherwise he did not want to his mom know too he had concerned. So he just lie to his mom, but actually he just stayed in the cellar to avoid this activity. In a morning he heard someone knocked the door, he went there to check who it was and found it was his half-sister Olivia. At first Lorenzo did not care about this sister or can even say dislike, so their relationship was not that good. Day by day, as they lived together they began to know each other. Lorenzo found Olivia took drugs and her situation was bad, she kept vomiting and shaking. For making her better Lorenzo went to hospital to steal some medicines for his sister. One day when Lorenzo wake up, he found Olivia was gone and left a letter. “ Thanks for helping me, I will stop taking drugs and we will see each other again.”  After ten years Lorenzo went to see Olivia last time. Olivia was dead by taking too much drugs.
    I think Lorenzo had a really big change that affected by Olivia. And this is a good change for him. Everyone has their period that lost when they were teenagers, once you break out of this perplexed time, you would be mature. In my opinion, there are two factors helping you. First one is external factor which in most of the situations are human. For example Olivia is an external factor for Lorenzo. This external factor is really essential, because this person has his own thoughts that can teach. Olivia’s accomplishment is opening Lorenzo’s heart. So Lorenzo was able to react to this world. There is a good saying “ everyone is your teacher” proves external factor is really important. Another factor is inside factor, that means itself has to do much efforts. At the beginning it is hard or it can be called suffering. Lorenzo was forced to live with Olivia, and he feels uncomfortable living with her. However when someone really cares about one person, he might to do anything for this person. He might be afraid of doing this stuff, but when he thinks about the person he cares, he has no more fear. Changing a person only need external factor is not enough because itself has to put efforts to change, and all the power comes from the person he cherishes.
   The Karate Kid is about a Kung Fu boy named Park. He was immigrated from America to China. At first he did not know how to communicate with others. Students in school spoke Chinese and he was not good at it. And it was also about culture, their way of making friends were different. Park was outgoing, so he enjoyed talking to anbody. However there was a group of students who practiced Kung Fu did not like his style. So their leader- Wang just announced I would punch you because you talked to the girl I like. Park was unlucky, he was beat up by Wang. After this thing happened he met a water tube worker, but he was a master of Kung Fu. Mr.han decided to teach Park Kung Fu so he could be able to protect himself. And they also agreed on one day Wang and Park would have a competition.In the beginning, Park was easily to get angry when he practiced because he usually imagined when he punches Wang. Mr.han asked him to control his motion. Day by day park was turning into a mature boy. At last he won the competition.
    In this time, Park changed a lot in two sides which were body and his emotion. I think being mature shows on many ways,the biggest one is trying to control emotion. Sometimes it is easily to lose discretion when you are angry, then it is possible to make things worse. So a real man don't act on impulse, they always control their emotion. I think that is what Mr.han wanted to teach Park. A meaningful sentence that Mr.han said to Park “ Kung Fu is not about punching but controlling emotion” shows Mr.han wanted Park being an undefeated man that nothing can hold him back. Man can beat anything if he has a strong heart.

