
Pobby and Dingan

Dingan is a girl with blue eyes, that is what Kellyanne said. Her eyes might be like a spring moon which is bent.I think she must be beautiful with straight golden hair,but not long because dingan in my vision is a cute  
Lively girl. She is lively and like going everywhere so that is why caused Kellyanne thought she lost in claim. She has a heart of exploring. Kellyanne also said Dingan wearing a fancy opal, I imagined it is blue like a ocean color. It is match with her eyes. Her has a skinny body thus she could run fast. Dingan enjoyed swing. If she were fat, I don't think she would enjoy this. And she spoke English but not Australian, so she was possibly has a feeling of Britain that lively with elegant.  

Pobby I think he is a cool boy but not outgoing. He is a shy boy. He has a brown hair and dark skin. These characteristic shows he was a composed and mature boy. He was not like Dingan who was so lively but he is super mellow. And based on my imagination he should be a strong and tough boy who can easily protect Dingan. 


