
Project reflection

             New Idea, New Experience

      At first, I want to say “ Thank You” to Ms.Guarino. Because she did not required this project must be essay form. I remember last time after we finished <Me and You>, we had to write a long essay. However this time, we have chances to create our own intersting project. So me, johnny and james made a team that we decided to take a film of part of the plot in < Pobby and Dingan>.This is a fun because I never done it before, I really learnt something whether how to act or how to do the teamwork. I think this is a very memoryable experience for me.
    When we heard from Ms Guarinao that we do not need to work personaly. What I thought first is to find partners. Then James and Johnny became my partners. Our project team has the largest amount of people in this class, so I thought it seems like it is our responsibility to creative a fancy and difficult project. There are two opotions came out which were PPT and Making Film. One day extra help time Johnny went to ask Ms.Guarino’s opinion. Ms.Guarino said they both good ideas, but we could see from her eyes that she more liked Making film because she might thought this is more creative. We had a short disscusion about what we were going to do. The result is Making Film.
The first day we started, we just found some dialogues from book’s chapter one and chapter six. Our first step was pretty essay, but we did not want to say excatly same with the book, so we changed some sentences. Another reason we changed is there are certain sentences are hard to memory. For showing how creative we are, we directly mixed two apart things together. In book after Rex and Annie has a row, it takes a long time that annie looks old photos to remember past times. We just decide there is no gap between these events. After annie argued with Rex, she was so sad then she took out pictures to express her emotion. Annie saw those pictures for a reason which made the plot not strange.
   There are two parts in our film and each parts has two mates to act and another one takes the film. I acted father Rex, Johnny acted mom and James was Ashmol. For my part my sentences were not difficult, the challenge is how to express emotion correctly. Rex as a man he has to take care of the whole family,but he carries too tired, and annie lost her job. So Rex has to suddenly be so angry, when I looked at johnny’s face, it is really hard to be angry. We at least tried three times for that. The last time I imagined I was really Rex and Johnny was really annie. What I learnt is when you want to act well, it is important to forget who you are now but put yourself into the character. After we finished taking a film, we felt it was just strange two people were just having conversation. It seemed like not real. For this difficult point, we came out a great idea. Johnny gave me a drink when I entered the room, this made the scene real. This is one of the skill I learnt from acting. There is one more interesting thing during filming is about muscle. We used James Ipad Pro to film which was extremely heavy, lucky I was strong enough to hold for three minutes.
   Post-production was tough work for me, we had to use computer to put in several background music. We combined separately scene into one film. We also communicated with Min, now his music is added in our film. I guess that is kind of a teamwork. After we finished the film, I was so proud of myself. Be honest this is my first time doing big project. I enjoyed when we doing this, it has so much fun because everything was new to me. I learnt things that I didn’t know before, For example how to act and how to process film. This project is a new idea and new experince for me. I like this!

