

In general it is a hard essay. First it requires too many words, so I have to think about many sides to write. In these sentences, there might be some sentences that are useless or it doesn't matter if they are not exist. It makes this essay's structure not very organized. I think the first thing I have to do better is making thesis stronger. It is confused if it is not organized. Therefore I have to put more words explaining my thesis in the introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraph.  Second thing is what we focused on the most which is analysis. I remember when I last year. We usually wrote what  actually happened in the book. We did not have to include our opinions. However this essay gave me a big challenge. I found there are 60 percent that writing summary and 40 percent that writing analysis. In my opinion, a good essay has to be equal  amount of summary and analysis. That is my weakness. I used to write a long paragraph of summary, and it lost its balance. For avoiding this, I fixed it that I wrote many analysis. I feel analysis is just  my responding to this book, then I feel more free to write. And my strength is opinion that I think there are many evidences to support my thesis.

