
Visiting to Writing center

   This is my second time visiting Writing Center. However this time, I felt I have so many problems to solve, I brought missions to Writing Center. Before I enter Writing Center, I had already have three things ready to fix.
   The first thing is always grammar mistake. I forgot to put some preposition between words that makes my sentences are not well organized. That is the easiest problem to solve but also it is important because let readers to understand is basic. I remember my last time,I mentioned I have to try to avoid grammar mistake. I still have a long way to go. The second thing I have prove is about quotes, I found I lacked quotes in my paper when I was reading. I just cannot find perfect quotes or I didn't find a good place to put in. The teacher in Writing center suggested me to put some quotes in as well. I think quotes’s function are gathering evidences for supporting thesis. That helps me to build my essay’s structure well. Another thing about quotes is the form, for example writing author name and page number. For the last one, I had been worried for many days until I came to Writing Center. It is about structure. I felt my essay was unorganized,but the teacher said it is fine. She really gave me courage and confidence.
     There is something interesting for this visiting. Last time she just helped me to fix some problems on the paper. However this time, she lead us to think about something that is critical. It is a kind of way expanding writing. She asks me to think about why children ducks follow their mom in the pond, why wild goose fly in team and why wolves hunt together? I said they could do things better because there are more than one particle, they are able to communicate each other which called teamwork. After I answered her question I got the her main point that communication is important in life, it is a smart way to learn things from others.
     In general, it is helpful. She gave me confidence to countinue writing. I like the way she helped me that focus on critical thinking more.

