
Me and you blog

                                                                            YUPING ZONG
                                            Me and You book review

     At first I felt this is a odd story because everyone seems to have strange personalities. In fact this is really a odd story. I do not like this book at all, ending is bad. I am the person more like to read happy ending book. When I read Olivia is dead due to overdrugs I was shocked and then I began to suspect that is not the truth. That night Olivia just promised Lorenzo not going to take drugs again, but the reason why she died is taking too much drugs. Ending was different with my imagination. I expected after the time they spent in cellar, they both began to change. For Lorenzo, he might be an talktive and outgoing boy. And for Olivia, she would not take drugs again and find a boy who really loves her and they were going to have their peace happy lives. And after many years they would meet agian, they would be suprised how each other changed and thanked to each other for affecting themselves.
    I felt shame and pity for Olivia because I always believe she is a good and smart girl. She became like this (smoking, drinking beers, taking drugs and having sex with an ungly man) due to his father. She hated her father who never gave enough love to Olivia, so Olivia had to take care of herself which is really hard for a teen girl. Olivia looked like a strong girl that do everything on her won, but I think she is not the way that she looked like. She was just pretending to be strong, she definitely needed true love from somebody. That is why her relatioship with Lorenzo was getting better and better as time passed. I think Lorenzo could feel that there is something on Olivia was similar with himself. They were “ on the same boat”. So Lorenzo usually took care of Olivia, for example helpling her stand, passing her clothes and even steal the medcine for her.
    I think Lorenzo would grow up and be more mature though this. After Olivia said goodbye, he must felt that communicating with other people is not that hard, and it is possible to begin outgoing from that time. Unfortunately Olivia and Lorenzo did not keep in touch, but Lorenzo was getting better and better to join the society. In some ways, Olivia really changed Lorenzo and Olivia got heal from Lorenzo too. However it is just hard for Olivia to change good because Olivia was an adult already. And drugs were not easy to cut out.
   Although I do not like this book, I still learn something. One’s personality can be changed by someone. Life is a process that learning things, there must be something affects on you and then change you. This change might be good or bad. For example Olivia, her father and mother divorced so she began to turn to bad. For example Lorenzo, he was a boy who enjoy being lonely before but then Olivia changed him.

