
Are Pobby and Dingan real?

   Pobby and Dingan are two people who Kellyanne loved, but I think they are not real. In my opinion they are just Kellyanne's spiritual friends. There are several evidences showing my thesis.
    First the father thought Kellyanne was bored when Kellyanne asked where is Pobby and Dingan. If it is real, as a father he should be very patiently help Kellyanne. Oppositely, he doesn't care about this. This shows Pobby and Dingan are not real people. Second, his dad was shocked when he knows his daughter was playing with two non-existence friends.  " where is my little girl?” Dad asked. “Outside playing with some friends,” said my mum, fixing my dad a look straight between the eyes. “Pobby and Dingan?” “Yup.” My dad sighed. “Jesus! That girl’s round the twist,” he said. " I think his dad got shocked because he cannot believe how can Kellyanne played with them. That is also why the mom answered the father " No she isn't ,she is just different."

