
Homework Found Poem

The attack on the World Trade Center was one of the most observed catastrophes in history, and those who fell or jumped from the towers were, briefly, its most public victims. They emerged one or two at a time from a blanket of smoke and fire that rendered mass death virtually invisible. Nearly all the others killed that day -- whether high in the trade center, on board the hijacked airplanes or deep inside the Pentagon -- were beyond the sight of survivors and witnesses.

 9/11 is the we should remember,
 Because this attack is the most observed catastrophe.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because that day World Trade Center collapsed.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because there were plenty of people dead.

 Innocent people were killed,
 Whether high whether high in the trade center,
 on board the hijacked airplanes,
 or deep inside the Pentagon.

9/11 is the day we should all remember
We lost too much...

