
Once on the Island

   Friday night, I went to Black Box to see a romantic drama called Once On The Island. We are required to go and I also wanted to see because I was curious. Before I watched this show, I knew there are two members of English class working in drama. They were min who played clarinet and Yichen who drew the background. When I entered into gym I was appreaciated that everything was arranged in a good order. There were some people selling chips and some people were sending brief introduction.
   There were three kinds of groups in this world, pleasant, rich people and gods( love, water, earth and death). Story began on an island, there was a couple found a orphan, they gave her a name--Ti moune. She was a kind girl. After so many years, she grew up. One day she met a rich man lying on the ground that almost died. I think it is so clever to let audience know he is a rich man because rich man wearing a white blazer which is totally different with the pleasant. She wanted to save him, so she prayed. Death god came here and said: “his life is mine now.”, but Ti-moune prayed so honestly. Then Love god came and saved that man. They fall in love. However the ending is not happy. The rich man thought their background were totally different, so he married with a rich girl. Ti- moune was so sad about it. She didn't eat and sleep for many days. Unfortunately Ti- moune dead. And gods made her become a tree which could live forever.
   This is a better story than Peter Pan because I didn't understand Peter Pan. Once on the Island is easy to know what happened. I was moved by this sad romantic story, and I felt Daniel was worldly, meanwhile I fealt deep regret about Ti-moune’s death. This story reflects a real fact in nowadays that some true romances are often killed by people’s background. People find lover are not just based on feeling but also money, appearance and rank.

