
  In my opinion Project is a big work that several people put much effort in it. So for getting a good grade, we are going to make a wonderful film. And we decided to change some plots because it will be more creative. Also it is a film, it is a good idea to let audiences see different thing but not just follow what the book tells.We have three people in this group, me James and Johnny, and we have two scenes which is going to take about ten minutes.
    First of all I think it is a challenge for me, I have to memorize what I should say in the film. Then acting needs skills that make people think its true.
   For two scenes, we are going to act after mom and dad had an argument and Ashmol found mom was looking at the old photos. Ashmol will have a conversation with her mom for consoling her. These are going to happen one by one which was a little bit different from the book. ( having argument in the first chapter and looking at photos in the sixth chapter )
   Johnny is going to be mom and I am father, James is going to be cute Ashmol. I hope I can learn how to act through this project. Anyway I believe we are going to finish this project perfectly.

