
Theater review

   All in all this was a very creative and interesting drama, this one was totally different from< Peter Pan> and <once on the island>. It more likes a comedy show. There were a lot of performances,for example dancing,funny show and singing. One thing I noticed is there were a number of actors are good at singing. John’s solo singing was really good.
    My roommate is James who in charged of lights. He told me he did few mistakes in the show, it was actually a hard work because it requires jame to focus for a long time. Even I was an audience I felt tired sometimes. William has talent of acting, he is a pure comedian. In a short drama, actors usually don't have much time to show character’s personality step by step. So it needs exaggerated actors to present to the audience. William did a great job,he brought so much fun for us.
    “Morning Meeting” is my favorite show and I guess this one has the most people involved in. Every actors play a role of an Cheshire Academy family member. When they stranded on stage, the first person I saw is Ms.Minahan with red hair and weaving. That was exactly same. Mr.Dykemen and Ms.Anderson also showed up,I mean John and Amonia. I was really impressed by their actor’s spirit that can catch people’s detail. Ms.Anderson speaks sound and how Mr.Dykemen stands that leaning on the rostrum with a cup of coffee. And he usually wears a light grey sweater. There is one more teacher I remember who was Ms.Digiacomo. “Somebody really practiced hard” became a popular sentence spoke from her.
    Anyway this was the most interesting one for me among previous two. Because I watched the show on Friday night which was the first time,but I didn't see any mistakes. This honor is for everyone, Ms.Guarino,actors,lighting engineers, backstage and audiences.

