
Self assessment

     First of all I appreciate I finished this project with about around 3500 words. In fact this is my first time wrote that long. I spent half of a month to finishe this. There are some problems I met during my writing. For instance in the middle part of my writing, I felt there was nothing to write. The own things I created are already written in diary. I asked my friend how to solve this problem, he told me try to write something connect with Sookan. That was helpful.
    For the thing I did great is making plots, after my friend gave me that advice, I had plenty of things to tell. I think my diary is interesting for readers.
    For the things I have to improve next time are grammar and setting character. Writing center's teacher fixed many my grammar mistakes. For example tense and spelling, that is always my weakness. Especially in the long essay, I write fast then I neglect these small mistakes.  My major character's personality is not obvious. I think I have to describe more details about my character.
    Anyway I feel this project is meaningful, I really learnt from this. And I am able to write long essay after I complete this.


                                             Visiting to the Writing Center

    Be honest, I never went to Writing Center. Any writing homework in last year are pretty easy, so I was able to handle them. Maybe there are some grammar mistakes in my essays, but I didn't have any big problems. So I didn't go there in last year. However this year I heard many my friends said going there is useful because teachers there can give some good advises.
    On thursday I went to Wirting Center which located in the Humanity, and the teacher said it was a good diary in general. She helped me go through the diary and fixed some very visible grammar mistakes. For example tense and Set collocation. I need sometime to memorize these things. I think this is really helpful for international students, it will make my diary more native. In fact we just picked some days of my diary to check. There are some errors that should using she or her but I use he or him. At first when I was writing this, I set myself as a boy character. Then I realized it is a girl school. Besides these stuffs,teacher found that I did not write many things that connect with the book, so she worried about how can people believe I really read this book. She asked me to add more activities that I do with Sookan. And I thought about it, I made sure there are some activites I can put myself in. For example, working with Sookan in dinning hall, going to Marci’s house during Thanksgiving, having the students leaders meeting, and also Spring Fling. It is actually hard to set me and Sookan meet, because there is no many chances. In my opinion Sookan just spend too much time on Marci. A good example is they stayed together in the whole Thanksgiving Break, it is impossible for me to suddenly join in them. It is just too strange. However teacher told me I can create something I do with Sookan that is not written in book. It is important to be creative, so I will add we go to get letters from us parents at the same time, and we have a conversation.
   I think I learnt somethings during visiting Writing Center. This teacher was so nice, she explained everything clear to me. She had patience to hear what ideas I have and she gave an advice on my ideas too. I also admired teacher working in there has a “eagle eyes” which can find errors easily and correctly. This time I did not visit that long,but I used time wisely. I will come to Writing Center next time when I have a blog to write for sure.
                                             Visiting to the Writing Center

    Be honest, I never went to Writing Center. Any writing homework in last year are pretty easy, so I was able to handle them. Maybe there are some grammar mistakes in my essays, but I didn't have any big problems. So I didn't go there in last year. However this year I heard many my friends said going there is useful because teachers there can give some good advises.
    On thursday I went to Wirting Center which located in the Humanity, and the teacher said it was a good diary in general. She helped me go through the diary and fixed some very visible grammar mistakes. For example tense and Set collocation. I need sometime to memorize these things. I think this is really helpful for international students, it will make my diary more native. In fact we just picked some days of my diary to check. There are some errors that should using she or her but I use he or him. At first when I was writing this, I set myself as a boy character. Then I realized it is a girl school. Besides these stuffs,teacher found that I did not write many things that connect with the book, so she worried about how can people believe I really read this book. She asked me to add more activities that I do with Sookan. And I thought about it, I made sure there are some activites I can put myself in. For example, working with Sookan in dinning hall, going to Marci’s house during Thanksgiving, having the students leaders meeting, and also Spring Fling. It is actually hard to set me and Sookan meet, because there is no many chances. In my opinion Sookan just spend too much time on Marci. A good example is they stayed together in the whole Thanksgiving Break, it is impossible for me to suddenly join in them. It is just too strange. However teacher told me I can create something I do with Sookan that is not written in book. It is important to be creative, so I will add we go to get letters from us parents at the same time, and we have a conversation.
   I think I learnt somethings during visiting Writing Center. This teacher was so nice, she explained everything clear to me. She had patience to hear what ideas I have and she gave an advice on my ideas too. I also admired teacher working in there has a “eagle eyes” which can find errors easily and correctly. This time I did not visit that long,but I used time wisely. I will come to Writing Center next time when I have a blog to write for sure.


Comma splices: using comma wrong when a writer try to connect two main clauses.
I have to work hard, final exam is coming soon.
I have to work hard, because the final exam is coming soon.

Run on sentence: two or more independent clauses are connected without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction.
I went to see Mr.D I talked about how to improve my grade.
I went to see Mr.D and I talked about how to improve my grade.

Sentence fragment: sentence that can not stand by itself. It doesn't have any independent clauses.
Tired so didn't finished the homework.
I felt tired so I didn't finished homework.

Independent clause: a clause that can stand by itself.
I love you

Dependent clause: a clause that provides an independent clause with additional information,but which cannot stand alone as a sentence.
She is a beautiful girl who is sixteen years old.



  Be honest I am so nervous coming to America, I looked around and found everybody was sleeping. For me it was hard to fall asleep. When I closed my eyes, I would think about my home and my parents. I also worried about if I would have a good life in America. By the way I think I have to concern because everything will be new to me and I need to try my best to involve in their cultures. I didn't really understand what makes these people can sleep, didn't they feel nervous? While I was thinking, someone next to me asked me why I didn't sleep. It was an old man. I told him some worrys made me can't sleep. He easily understand and told me everything would be fine in America.

September 1
   I just feel sleepy and tired today because of the jet leg. The flight time from China to America is 14 hours. It was a long time. Today is my first day coming to America and I had a great daytime that I met a girl who is same age with me called June. She is kind, she explained almost everything in this school to me. And I think I will get along with him well in the future.

September 5
   I am so happy right now! Today is Friday! This week is finished and I think I did a pretty good job. I have two good friends right now who always eating lunch with me, Juneand MTP. June is a Native American, so MTP and me are able to learn language and culture from him. MTP is a very beautiful girl with a cool name, she is from Vietnam. And this is also her first year studying in America. There are only three Asians in this school who are me, MTP and a Korean girl. I don't know her name yet, but once a time she wore a fancy clothing showing up in the dinning hall. And everybody regarded her with a speculative eyes. Now I know that cloth is called Hanbok that is the Korean traditional clothing.

September 15
   I had a busy day today and I don't really have enough time to write a long and detailed diary.
In the morning I went to freshman leader electron and I was shocked that Korean girl named Sookan didn't want to be the leader, even I felt regretful for her. And in the afternoon I went to a mandatory meeting, be honest that was pretty boring but I have to go because it might give me a detention.

September 28
It was a normal day today. I went to shopping mall with my friends. I didn't want to buy anything actually, but I didn't want to be strang among friends. They all wanted to go, so I wanted with them. I saw some stuff’s prices that were expensive. I decided try not to buy anything in America.

October 1
I would like to write something especially in the first day of the month because I think it is a new beginning for me. I have already been through one month in America, it was excellent in general. The two things I miss the most about China is food and my parents. It is impossible for me to eat the orignal Chinese  fried sauce noodles. And I miss my mom so much. Fortunately I received her letters today, I read it carefully that not even miss a single word or a punctuation. My mom told me that she fed a homeless dog and now this dog view my mom as a master. She also told me that I don't have to worry about anything in home and it is alright. However this letter didn't cure my homesick. So before dinner I used one hour to write back. I expressed I miss family so much and told them I have a good life in here.

October 5
I was sad today. My science test grade was not good. However I handled science well in China. So this drop made me think about why. I listed what reasons caused this: the language is not accurate, the first test for me that lacking experience. After I wrote them down, I felt good and I found way to work hard.

October 10
Today I got the second letter from my mother. She told me everything was fine in home, and they had a good Chinese national day. I was jealous of students in China had days to rest, but I later realized Halloween and Thanksgiving were coming soon.

October 31
Cleaning dishes in dinning hall is a good way to earn money in school. I went to work today and I met that Korean girl. She told me that she had been working here for a long time. I could easily see that she was tired but I knew the reason she works here. Same as me lacking money. I believe we would be very good friends.

November 1
It is a new month again! One day ago, my science teacher talked to me that she could see I was doing progress and she gave me some advices about how to study science well. I asked how to write lab report specific. She explained to me with much information. I thought this is a responsible teacher. I would like to ask more an more questions in the future because this teacher killed my concern that teacher doesn't felt annoying when one is asking question again and again.

November 19
Ten minutes ago I just finished packing up. Today I will go to my aunt house to spend the time of thanksgiving break. Be honest I am so excited right now, I will see my family and I am able to tell my recent things in Chinese. I had been a long time not speaking Chinese. I am sure when one is speaking his or her own language, no matter he or she is in the hometown, they feel warm and familiar. I didn't bring many stuffs to my aunt house, there are just some clothes in my suitcase.

November 26
Today is thanksgiving! I saw neighbors were eating turkey. I didn't really want to eat that so my aunt cook dumplings for me. In my memory when there is an important holiday Chinese like to eat dumplings. I ate a lot this time, much more than before. My aunt told me she had been staying in America for eight years and just the first year she ate the turkey. I ate turkey before in China but I am not sure that one tastes original.

November 29
In the morning I went back to school and I just met Sookan. She said she went to her friend’s house in thanksgiving. I heard Sookan ate turkey in thanksgiving then I had a little bit regret that I didn't eat that. I gave myself a promise that I will try turkey next year.

December 1
Today is very cold so I just stayed in dorm. MTP talked a lot to me about how excited he looked forward to Christmas. In fact I had the same feeling with him. When I was in China, I knew Christmas is the most important holiday in western. There are only little people in dorm in right now,most of the people went to mall although it is cold outside. They have to buy stuffs for preparing the Christmas.

December 10
I received my mom’s letter today. It was a very long letter that said New Year is coming. I didn't miss home until I got this letter. When I was in China, a large number of family's members would sit together have dinner. However now non of my family can have dinner with me when the new year comes. After I read my mom’s letter, I wrote back and expressed I missed home. This is the first time I wrote this to my mom.

December 25
Happy Christmas! Everyone seemed to be extremely joyful today. And MTP was the happiest one just because a boy named Jeff gave him a gift. School looked so pretty, there are many LED lights on the building. And the most comfortable thing for me is teacher did not teach lesson on class but introduced many things about Christmas. For example where does Christmas comes from and why we celebrate it. This is the first time I realize the power of one religion. I had a delicious dinner tonight, I could easily see school paid more effort than before. Beaf and broccolis, Sesame chicken are my favorites. Anyway my first Christmas was excellent.

December 31
  It is the last day of this year! I recalled all the things happened this year, I thought I did a big progress. From a boy who didn't know anything about America before, to a man that can solve many problems alone in America now.
   I don't know why there are many feelings today. So I have to find somebody to have conversation with me. I went to MTP’s room and she told me I was just missing home so much. She advised me to do somethings to divert attention from homesick. However I think I can heal myself by doing nothing.

January 10
I bought a new dress for myself because I got a A on my science test. I thought it was necessary to encourage me. It coasts twelve dollars. MTP saw this and thought it was beautiful. I really viwed this dress as a treasure that I fold it carefully everytime. I decided to wear this in Spring fling.

January 12
I had so much fun today. I met Sookan and a boy called Tom seemed to try to get on her. I felt a little bit jealous that why there is no boy wanted to get on me. Sookan told me she didn't really want to date with Tom not because Tom was not nice. Sookan just didn't feel nervous and didn't know how to. I just walked around with June and seized some foods. The funny thing is MTP was not with us whole time because she was so busy at rejecting the boys. MTP is just so pretty, there are many boys wanted to talk to her. It was just seemed impossible for me.

January 23
Winter is gone! It is getting warmer. I just wore a t shirt with sleeves going out. It was a good weather, I brought a book to read outside sitting on a grass ground.


Diary of thanksgiving

November 26 2015

Dear diary:

              Today I went to my grandmother's house to see my pet. It was a white cute dog called DuDu. When I entered the door, he just ran like an arrow to me and licked everypart he could touch. I liked his passion but that was really uncomfortable when I felt his slaver was on my hands and feet. The most annoying part is he barked so loudly, so I have to give him some snacks to block his sound track. However he finished the snacks so fast. And then he kept barking. We had been a long time not seeing each other, I missed him so much. And he seemed to missed me much more than I did that he was so excited. After about half an hour he became silent and normal, I thanked God.

What I did in thanksgiving break

I came back to China this thanksgiving break. It was 14 hours flight time, for me it was a pretty long time. So I used one day in China just lying on the bed. I miss everything in China especially the foods, I went to restaurants a lot. Fried saut noodles and Beijing Roast Duck are my favorites. For the fun part, I saw my pet. A cute white dog called DuDu. He seemed happy to see me again that lick my feet and smell my hand. However I didn't touch him much because he had been a week not taking shower.


Review of gathering the pearls

                                     Review of Gathering of the pearls

   It is a good book to read especially for us. Because we are almost the same situation with her that we have to face the culture shock and make new friends. I really enjoyed reading it although reading it is homework. When I was reading it, sometimes I imagined what if I were Sookan and what I would do. The things happened around Sookan were similar to the international students in United States, so it catched my attention. I think it is a pretty good beginning, but I don't like the ending which is a bad ending. I just felt her mom died happened too suddenly that I thought I read wrong and I read over and over. I don't like this ending, it is very sad. I think it was just too much for Sookan. If I were Sookan, I would definitely passed out.
However this bad news didn't defeat Sookan, Sookan carried her mom’s hope to keep studying in United States. And at last Sookan really did a perfect job. She had two good friends called Marci and Ellen who shared worry with Sookan. She also had a good teacher called Sister Reed who solved many problems for Sookan( changing schedule, finding job).
   There are two characters in this book I like best. The first one is Sookan who is an amazing girl that lived on her own. No matter how hard the life is, she still could study carefully. One thing I really admire about her is she could earn money. For me I don't have to worry about the money, but Sookan had to worried about it and tried to earn money by doing heavy works. That is just seemed impossible for me. The second person I like is Sookan’s mom. I usually moved by her mom’s letters because the letters are always including the hope for Sookan and concern about Sookan. She was a really great mom, she knew she didn't have ability to give Sookan plenty of money, but she was able to give Sookan advice and encourage Sookan. Even the last letter, her mom didn't tell anything about her health, but still encourage Sookan. Because she didn't want Sookan to worry so many things. What a great mother.
    For this book I think every character has their own advantages to learn. Learning be outgoing from Ellen, learning planning own future from Marci.
    I will recommend this book to my friends. I have some friends who always complaining their lives. I will ask them to read this book and let them know even a young girl can do things great. Anyway I am happy that I finished this book, it encourages me a lot. I will never give up anything from now on.


A small, black velvet purse hung on the shoulder of the mannequin. (Mannequin: n, life-since model of a person which is used to display clothes)

To save money, I had purchased second-hand textbooks from upperclassmen at a fraction of the original price, (Second-hand: adj, something that is used before )

Many of our classmates were there, with drinks in hand, talking animatedly. (Animatedly: adj, living active)

Flustered, I faltered, then hurriedly responded, "Yes, well, I had a good time, too. Good night." (Faltered: v, the act of pausing uncertainly)

She would acknowledge that I had done something impulsive, but would say that it was okay. (Impulsive: adj, proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus)

I had always felt constrained there. (Constrained: adj, feel you're been limited or forced to do something)

A Gregorian chant program is scheduled for June, and students will be coming from around the world. (Gregorian chant: n, a liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church)

I reached to unclasp the pearl necklace, when suddenly, the strand broke, and all the pearls scattered across the floor. (Pearl: n, a hard, round object which is shiny and creamy white in color and they are usually expensive.)

I just want to elope and get our lives started now! (Elope: v, go away secretly together to get marked)
I would write to each of my taciturn brothers, even though they had never written to me. (Taciturn: adj, not speak very much)

I sat, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed. (Sobbed: v, cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths)

In a silk pouch that Mother had made was her thin, white gold wedding band. (Pouch: n, a flexible container)

As I stared forward listlessly, (Listlessly: adj, no energy or enthusiasm)

I was comforted by their high-pitched hymns reverberating in the domed chapel. (Hymn: n, a religious song that Christians sing in church)

She had fainted, and they found out it was a cerebral hemorrhage. (Fainted: v, pass out from weakness)


The ending of the Peter Pan

The ending was pretty good for me. Peter Pan won the battle, leader of the pirates was eaten by a huge crocodile. And Peter Pan saved all of them. They planned to go to Wendy's house to live, so the lost boys didn't have to worried about living. They got foods and friends. I think it is a normal good ending for sure because it is almost impossible to create a bad ending for children to read.

Peter Pan

                                                        About Peter Pan

    Today, I watched a drama called Peter Pan. I think they performed very well in general, especially my friend John that his voice is loud, so everybody in the Black Box was able to hear it clear. Speaking loudly and confidently is the fundamental and important thing in a drama. As an audience, I felt whether actresses or actors are professional. I could see their change of the face expression when they are shocked or amazed. That is one of the skill to make audiences think it is real, and also it may makes people laugh because some face expressions are really funny. I enjoyed that a lot. For this drama my most favorite part is when the aside reading the plot. A beam of light shined on her body that made audiences pay attention to only her.
    Peter Pan is a very famous story in the world because Disney once made a film. So I know the appearance of the Peter Pan who wears almost all great cloths. This drama describes Peter Pan always hides near the Wendy’s house to listen to Wendy’s mom called Ms Darling telling the story. And one day Ms Darling is aware of someone is hiding there, Peter Pan runs away and lost his shadow. The next day night Peter Pan goes to wendy’s room to find his shadow, but Wendy finds him. Peter Pan tells Wendy that he can teach Wendy how to fly, Wendy wakes up her two young brothers and they fly to NeverLand where Peter Pan lives. There is a fairy named Tinker Bell doesn't want Wendy and Peter Pan be so close. This Fairy tells Peter Pan’s friend that Wendy is bad, so they use arrow almost kill her, but they finally heal her when they know the truth. Wendy and Peter Pan live in there for a short time and one day Wendy tells all the people she can bring them to home to live together. Peter doesn't want to leave this land because he does not want to grow up. So Peter Pan decides to stay in this land. However Wendy and her friends get caught by a group of pirates, and Peter Pan goes to save them. After a tough fight, Peter Pan wins and the leader of the Pirates drops into the ocean and eaten by a huge crocodile.
   I like this story very much because it has a good ending, and I believe they will live happily in the future. This is my first time watching school’s drama and I feel it was a pretty good activity, I was amazed at the people’s great performance. I can easily see they really put efforts in this. I have to thank them.


Ms Guarino
YuPing Zong

                                                    Sookan’s future
    I think Sookhan now is already known about  American culture because she can see the difference between Korean and American. And her life will be much better. Her English will improve if she keeps staying with Americans and also she is going to fit in the life in America because she has many friends there. In my opinion, there are two turning points for Sookan.
    First I think she is going to earn some scholarships, so that she is able to pay something that she likes or needs. I think it is very possible for her to get scholarships because after she got up from the pass out, she was so worried about her study. From here I can see that she is a girl who cares about study very much. And she works hard as well even when she has to do plenty of works. I don't think Sookan will give up one day if she meets some difficulties during study. She has a clearly goal that she must study well so it can not let her mom and sister down. She knows how the life hard for her mom. She gets power from this. After she gets the scholarship, she can buy her favorite things. She might decorates her room, she might buy two soft pillows. She will have a feeling like being home because these two pillows make her comfortable. She might also buy many delicious food to supply some energies. She is too busy everyday and I think she knows foods are good for her health.
    The next turning point is when she going back to Korea. Sookan doesn't really come back to Korea very often, so day by day she will fit in American culture well and almost forget about the Korean culture. She will speak English like anytime speaker or she will be open and outgoing like Ellen. And that time she goes back to Korea, her mom must notice that she changes a lot even there is no any korean feeling left. I think her mom is going to tell Sookan that you cannot forget your own culture. Then Sookan is going to think about that too and she will realize her mom is right. Sookan will decide to change that not only containing American culture in her mind but both Korean culture and American culture.
  Anyway in my opinion, Sookan’s life is going to be better and better. She will involve in America well and might become a expert of culture because she knows Korea and America.


Sookan found that Men in Korea never did housework
Sookan never got paid for baby sit
Sookan met her sister every month
Sookan spoke Korean
Sookan was more respectful to the elder people in Korean, and used more respectful language

Sookan sees Professor Benatte doing housework for his family
Sookan get paid for doing baby sit
Sookan uses letter to communicate with her sister
Sookan speak English
Sookan find people are equal in America, she didn't need to use many respectful language when she speaks to elder people


When I first came to America for studying, it was not that hard as Sookan. My mom planed all the things for me for example buying airplane ticket and renting car in United States. Therefore I didn't need to wait somebody pick me up and sent to school. And my parents went to America with me as well, so when I was waiting in the terminal, I didn't feel lonely because my mom talked to me. I also avoided some complicated process, I didn't have to wait in a long line for checking in. I could check in fast because I was able to check in with my father that he had a VIP card.  they were afraid that I could not take of myself so they bought many things which used in daily life. Before school started, my parents brought me to shopping mall. I had to bought the clothes used in sports and academic day. Some clothes were expensive that I didn't really want to pay for that, but my mom said:" it is ok because it is necessary. "


Why Marci always go alone?
How does Sook feel about Marci?
Why Sook felt melancholy after she read the letter from her mom.
Why Sook's mom felt guilty?
What is Sook's purpose of going back to Korea ?


The author is an American Korean. Her mother language is Korean but her nationality is American. She wrote something about Korean culture that share the information to American friends.


 YuPing Zong
Period G
Ms. Gu    arino

                                             My reading experience

       I love reading since I was a child. I have curiosity to read things especially when I am free, whether newspaper, novels or magazine. My mom told me I inherited this from my grandmother, and I found my grandmother really like seizing the book when she has nothing to do. And another reason I think I love reading is because the affection in my childhood. When I was very young, I was not able to read. There were many words I didn't understand but I still wanted to know what happen in the story, so that time my mom always read and explained for me. I really enjoyed that time and I think it helped me building the habit of reading.This is my first step of reading. The next step is reading comic books, dialogue with pictures could help me understand more about the plot,and also when I find some words which I don't know the definition it is a good way to see the pictures and match with the words. Then you might understand also collect the words. It was the process of reciting the words. Day by day, I had the ability to read by my own, so I turned to read some real fiction. For example, Anne Of Green Gables. When I first read this, I thought this is not interesting but reading this makes me sleepy. Then my mom told me I have to focus on how author describe a thing using analogy,parallelism or exaggerate? After my mom told me about this, I found the interest of reading. I remember one thing that my mom once asked me. “ a same story, do you like watching film better or reading a book?”. The answer I gave to my mom is watching film. However she did not think so, she told me that people are able to imagine more when people are reading, but the film has already give you the settings. There is a great example which I read before called Harry Potter. I remember in one scene Harry Potter rode a besom, but the film showed totally different with what I imagined.
     Writing for me is a tool to record the memory, so writing specific is the major point. I have to record people’s movement and mood, and also record some basic information that can help me remember something after so many years when I read this. For writing specific, I learnt to using parallelism to make my passage more active, I learnt to using analogy to make my passage more interesting and I learnt to using exaggeration to make my reader knows how it is serious. Now writing English stuffs is hard for me and I think I have lots of work to do. However I loved writing, I feel this is one of my hobby.