

  Be honest I am so nervous coming to America, I looked around and found everybody was sleeping. For me it was hard to fall asleep. When I closed my eyes, I would think about my home and my parents. I also worried about if I would have a good life in America. By the way I think I have to concern because everything will be new to me and I need to try my best to involve in their cultures. I didn't really understand what makes these people can sleep, didn't they feel nervous? While I was thinking, someone next to me asked me why I didn't sleep. It was an old man. I told him some worrys made me can't sleep. He easily understand and told me everything would be fine in America.

September 1
   I just feel sleepy and tired today because of the jet leg. The flight time from China to America is 14 hours. It was a long time. Today is my first day coming to America and I had a great daytime that I met a girl who is same age with me called June. She is kind, she explained almost everything in this school to me. And I think I will get along with him well in the future.

September 5
   I am so happy right now! Today is Friday! This week is finished and I think I did a pretty good job. I have two good friends right now who always eating lunch with me, Juneand MTP. June is a Native American, so MTP and me are able to learn language and culture from him. MTP is a very beautiful girl with a cool name, she is from Vietnam. And this is also her first year studying in America. There are only three Asians in this school who are me, MTP and a Korean girl. I don't know her name yet, but once a time she wore a fancy clothing showing up in the dinning hall. And everybody regarded her with a speculative eyes. Now I know that cloth is called Hanbok that is the Korean traditional clothing.

September 15
   I had a busy day today and I don't really have enough time to write a long and detailed diary.
In the morning I went to freshman leader electron and I was shocked that Korean girl named Sookan didn't want to be the leader, even I felt regretful for her. And in the afternoon I went to a mandatory meeting, be honest that was pretty boring but I have to go because it might give me a detention.

September 28
It was a normal day today. I went to shopping mall with my friends. I didn't want to buy anything actually, but I didn't want to be strang among friends. They all wanted to go, so I wanted with them. I saw some stuff’s prices that were expensive. I decided try not to buy anything in America.

October 1
I would like to write something especially in the first day of the month because I think it is a new beginning for me. I have already been through one month in America, it was excellent in general. The two things I miss the most about China is food and my parents. It is impossible for me to eat the orignal Chinese  fried sauce noodles. And I miss my mom so much. Fortunately I received her letters today, I read it carefully that not even miss a single word or a punctuation. My mom told me that she fed a homeless dog and now this dog view my mom as a master. She also told me that I don't have to worry about anything in home and it is alright. However this letter didn't cure my homesick. So before dinner I used one hour to write back. I expressed I miss family so much and told them I have a good life in here.

October 5
I was sad today. My science test grade was not good. However I handled science well in China. So this drop made me think about why. I listed what reasons caused this: the language is not accurate, the first test for me that lacking experience. After I wrote them down, I felt good and I found way to work hard.

October 10
Today I got the second letter from my mother. She told me everything was fine in home, and they had a good Chinese national day. I was jealous of students in China had days to rest, but I later realized Halloween and Thanksgiving were coming soon.

October 31
Cleaning dishes in dinning hall is a good way to earn money in school. I went to work today and I met that Korean girl. She told me that she had been working here for a long time. I could easily see that she was tired but I knew the reason she works here. Same as me lacking money. I believe we would be very good friends.

November 1
It is a new month again! One day ago, my science teacher talked to me that she could see I was doing progress and she gave me some advices about how to study science well. I asked how to write lab report specific. She explained to me with much information. I thought this is a responsible teacher. I would like to ask more an more questions in the future because this teacher killed my concern that teacher doesn't felt annoying when one is asking question again and again.

November 19
Ten minutes ago I just finished packing up. Today I will go to my aunt house to spend the time of thanksgiving break. Be honest I am so excited right now, I will see my family and I am able to tell my recent things in Chinese. I had been a long time not speaking Chinese. I am sure when one is speaking his or her own language, no matter he or she is in the hometown, they feel warm and familiar. I didn't bring many stuffs to my aunt house, there are just some clothes in my suitcase.

November 26
Today is thanksgiving! I saw neighbors were eating turkey. I didn't really want to eat that so my aunt cook dumplings for me. In my memory when there is an important holiday Chinese like to eat dumplings. I ate a lot this time, much more than before. My aunt told me she had been staying in America for eight years and just the first year she ate the turkey. I ate turkey before in China but I am not sure that one tastes original.

November 29
In the morning I went back to school and I just met Sookan. She said she went to her friend’s house in thanksgiving. I heard Sookan ate turkey in thanksgiving then I had a little bit regret that I didn't eat that. I gave myself a promise that I will try turkey next year.

December 1
Today is very cold so I just stayed in dorm. MTP talked a lot to me about how excited he looked forward to Christmas. In fact I had the same feeling with him. When I was in China, I knew Christmas is the most important holiday in western. There are only little people in dorm in right now,most of the people went to mall although it is cold outside. They have to buy stuffs for preparing the Christmas.

December 10
I received my mom’s letter today. It was a very long letter that said New Year is coming. I didn't miss home until I got this letter. When I was in China, a large number of family's members would sit together have dinner. However now non of my family can have dinner with me when the new year comes. After I read my mom’s letter, I wrote back and expressed I missed home. This is the first time I wrote this to my mom.

December 25
Happy Christmas! Everyone seemed to be extremely joyful today. And MTP was the happiest one just because a boy named Jeff gave him a gift. School looked so pretty, there are many LED lights on the building. And the most comfortable thing for me is teacher did not teach lesson on class but introduced many things about Christmas. For example where does Christmas comes from and why we celebrate it. This is the first time I realize the power of one religion. I had a delicious dinner tonight, I could easily see school paid more effort than before. Beaf and broccolis, Sesame chicken are my favorites. Anyway my first Christmas was excellent.

December 31
  It is the last day of this year! I recalled all the things happened this year, I thought I did a big progress. From a boy who didn't know anything about America before, to a man that can solve many problems alone in America now.
   I don't know why there are many feelings today. So I have to find somebody to have conversation with me. I went to MTP’s room and she told me I was just missing home so much. She advised me to do somethings to divert attention from homesick. However I think I can heal myself by doing nothing.

January 10
I bought a new dress for myself because I got a A on my science test. I thought it was necessary to encourage me. It coasts twelve dollars. MTP saw this and thought it was beautiful. I really viwed this dress as a treasure that I fold it carefully everytime. I decided to wear this in Spring fling.

January 12
I had so much fun today. I met Sookan and a boy called Tom seemed to try to get on her. I felt a little bit jealous that why there is no boy wanted to get on me. Sookan told me she didn't really want to date with Tom not because Tom was not nice. Sookan just didn't feel nervous and didn't know how to. I just walked around with June and seized some foods. The funny thing is MTP was not with us whole time because she was so busy at rejecting the boys. MTP is just so pretty, there are many boys wanted to talk to her. It was just seemed impossible for me.

January 23
Winter is gone! It is getting warmer. I just wore a t shirt with sleeves going out. It was a good weather, I brought a book to read outside sitting on a grass ground.

