
Review of gathering the pearls

                                     Review of Gathering of the pearls

   It is a good book to read especially for us. Because we are almost the same situation with her that we have to face the culture shock and make new friends. I really enjoyed reading it although reading it is homework. When I was reading it, sometimes I imagined what if I were Sookan and what I would do. The things happened around Sookan were similar to the international students in United States, so it catched my attention. I think it is a pretty good beginning, but I don't like the ending which is a bad ending. I just felt her mom died happened too suddenly that I thought I read wrong and I read over and over. I don't like this ending, it is very sad. I think it was just too much for Sookan. If I were Sookan, I would definitely passed out.
However this bad news didn't defeat Sookan, Sookan carried her mom’s hope to keep studying in United States. And at last Sookan really did a perfect job. She had two good friends called Marci and Ellen who shared worry with Sookan. She also had a good teacher called Sister Reed who solved many problems for Sookan( changing schedule, finding job).
   There are two characters in this book I like best. The first one is Sookan who is an amazing girl that lived on her own. No matter how hard the life is, she still could study carefully. One thing I really admire about her is she could earn money. For me I don't have to worry about the money, but Sookan had to worried about it and tried to earn money by doing heavy works. That is just seemed impossible for me. The second person I like is Sookan’s mom. I usually moved by her mom’s letters because the letters are always including the hope for Sookan and concern about Sookan. She was a really great mom, she knew she didn't have ability to give Sookan plenty of money, but she was able to give Sookan advice and encourage Sookan. Even the last letter, her mom didn't tell anything about her health, but still encourage Sookan. Because she didn't want Sookan to worry so many things. What a great mother.
    For this book I think every character has their own advantages to learn. Learning be outgoing from Ellen, learning planning own future from Marci.
    I will recommend this book to my friends. I have some friends who always complaining their lives. I will ask them to read this book and let them know even a young girl can do things great. Anyway I am happy that I finished this book, it encourages me a lot. I will never give up anything from now on.

