
Poem Revision

                                          Mom who gives us happiest time
     There are so many kinds of poem,but there was only one topic that I interested in. About mom. This poem called ”When I was a small child” When I told Ms.Guarino I want to choose this, she said this doesn't has so much fun. I thought she was right, this poem was boring compare with others. This time I just want to keep my choice because I have confident to memorize this. Be honest, this was not a short poem, lucky Daniel found a easy way. There are many sentences that reflects my own life, when I first time read it, I felt “wow we have same experience.” This poem might be written when author was an old age, so author wrote this for expressing he misses his mom so much. This is true, the time we can hide under mom’s embrace is the happiest time. When we getting old,we miss that love very much.
    Two stanza build this poem, and each sentence has end rhyme, so it can actually fits any background music. And when I read aloud with expression,it sounds like singing. Speaker wrote this on purpose because mom talking to children sounds soft and gentle. And two stanza use same form that both start with “When I was a small child.” This form is helpful for me to memorize.
    At the beginning of the first stanza, author told the scene that everybody in their babyhood experienced. When a baby got hurt and he is crying, mom gentley consoles baby. I remember when I was a child my mom brought me toys for stop me crying. And here author wrote “giggle me” it is a none, but in poem it can be used as a verb which I think it means tickle. This is possible mom wants to make baby laugh. After that as baby growing, they will know life is full of traps, it is necessary to “find your way” thus to achieve the goal. Meanwhile mom plays a role as guide. “Life has difficult decisions and you were my guide. You tought me how to decide. You told me that the bad should be denied.” This is happened in childhood, mom helps children to build feeling of judge which is right which is wrong.
    The second stanza is expressing the love to mom. In the first two sentences, it describes when children are growing, they will do certain things wrong,and mom carefully helps children to fix the mistakes.People always say mom plays a role of children’s the most important teacher, although they might don't teach children much academic stuffs,they teach how to be a good person. They build children characteristics.(As I gre. w I’ve done a few wrong things and it’s true.) Author repeated two times that he has so many things to tell mom and it all about love. “there‘s a lot of thing I’ve wanted to tell you.” and “but one thing that I want to know is that” These two sentences shows children have so many things to tell mom because they know mom is the best person who takes care of them. However the part that children want to tell mom is not long sentence. It is just a simple I LOVE YOU. They might feel no matter how many fancy words cannot describe their indebted heart.
    Mom dry your eye when you cry, mom hold up you when you fell. Under mom’s protection,nothing can hurts you. This poem actually moved me, I recalled the days I spent with my mom. Mom held bike when I was learning how to ride,that time I felt I was totally safe that mom was not strong or tall,but her care makes me trust her. This poem didn't tell specific what actually happened between speaker and mom,the magical thing is I could related to my experiences. It was just like this poem is for everyone and everyone has their own understanding which based on own memory with mom. I love this poem because it did not using fancy words,but just these simple words built a warm poem.


Poem theme

Two stanzas poem that each sentences are end rhyme shows Leon misses his mom so much. As time pass,he became a adult then he realized the time under mom's protection is the happiest time.


Peer review

                                Peer review

     When I first saw Veeti’s poem review, I liked how he organized. He first explained the poem’s meaning. This was helpful for readers that never seen this peom before because he explained well which included many details. For example he describeb a beautilful and peaceful scene when spring comes. However he fogot to mention poem’s name in essay, he only worte word “March” to be his essay ‘s topic, and I predicted this is poem’s name. It is important to write actual sentence to say poem’s name,or else readers will feel confused.
    He did included a part of explaining structure of this poem, he was being a expert of poem’s structure that nothing can skipped by him. This was good whether for him or readers, author usually used seperate stanza to show seperate time period. During he was trying to know structure, he also benifited that understanding peom’s meaning better.
   There was one more thing I really impressed he did well, in his conclusion he explained his theme clearly. However as a reader I felt it was strange. In the previous paragraph, he didn't even mention what is the theme. So this is kind of confused, a good way to solve this is write theme in the beginning of the essay as well. Introduction and conclusion responses to each other is the key point how to write well organized essay. And there is a question in the conclusion, this might mess up theme, because question usually shows up in the beginning as a hook.
     However I felt his essay lacks something which is own opinion,he just told what author thought. Why don't combine own experience and author’s thought. Author’s thought always not own stuffs, your experiences are yours. Experiences can also be the evidence to support theme.
      It was a good work which can see put much effort. And this is how we do poem review. This essay also can be the note when you try to remember some stuffs in poem.


Theater review

   All in all this was a very creative and interesting drama, this one was totally different from< Peter Pan> and <once on the island>. It more likes a comedy show. There were a lot of performances,for example dancing,funny show and singing. One thing I noticed is there were a number of actors are good at singing. John’s solo singing was really good.
    My roommate is James who in charged of lights. He told me he did few mistakes in the show, it was actually a hard work because it requires jame to focus for a long time. Even I was an audience I felt tired sometimes. William has talent of acting, he is a pure comedian. In a short drama, actors usually don't have much time to show character’s personality step by step. So it needs exaggerated actors to present to the audience. William did a great job,he brought so much fun for us.
    “Morning Meeting” is my favorite show and I guess this one has the most people involved in. Every actors play a role of an Cheshire Academy family member. When they stranded on stage, the first person I saw is Ms.Minahan with red hair and weaving. That was exactly same. Mr.Dykemen and Ms.Anderson also showed up,I mean John and Amonia. I was really impressed by their actor’s spirit that can catch people’s detail. Ms.Anderson speaks sound and how Mr.Dykemen stands that leaning on the rostrum with a cup of coffee. And he usually wears a light grey sweater. There is one more teacher I remember who was Ms.Digiacomo. “Somebody really practiced hard” became a popular sentence spoke from her.
    Anyway this was the most interesting one for me among previous two. Because I watched the show on Friday night which was the first time,but I didn't see any mistakes. This honor is for everyone, Ms.Guarino,actors,lighting engineers, backstage and audiences.


When I was a small child

   There are so many kinds of poem,but there was only one topic that I interested in. About mom. This poem called <When I was a small child>. When I told Ms.Gunrino I want to choose this, she said this doesn't has so much fun. I thought she was right, this poem was boring compare with others. This time I just want to keep my choice because I have confident to memorize this. Be honest, this was not a short poem, lucky Daniel found a easy way. There are many sentences that reflects my own life, when I first time read it, I felt “wow we have same experience.” This poem might be written when author was an old age, so author wrote this for expressing he misses his mom so much. This is true, the time we can hide under mom’s embrace is the happiest time.
   Two stanza build this poem, and each sentence has end rhyme, so it can actually fits any background music. And when I read aloud with expression,it sounds like singing. And two stanza use same form that both start with “When I was a small child.” This form is helpful for me to memorize.
  At the beginning of the first stanza, author told the scene that everybody in their babyhood experienced. When a baby got hurt and he is crying, mom gentley consoles baby. I remember when I was a child my mom brought me toys for stop me crying. And here author wrote “giggle me” it is a none, but in poem it can be used as a verb which I think it means tickle. This is possible mom wants to make baby laugh. After that as baby growing, they will know life is full of traps, it is necessary to “find your way” thus to achieve the goal. Meanwhile mom plays a role as guide. “Life has difficult decisions and you were my guide. You tought me how to decide. You told me that the bad should be denied.” This is happened in childhood, mom helps children to build feeling of judge which is right which is wrong.
  The second stanza is expressing the love to mom. In the first two sentences, it describes when children are growing, they will do certain things wrong,and mom carefully helps children to fix the mistakes. Author repeated two times that he has so many things to tell mom and it all about love. “there‘s a lot of thing I’ve wanted to tell you.” and “but one thing that I want to know is that” These two sentences shows children have so many things to tell mom because they know mom is the best person who takes care of them. However the part that children want to tell mom is not long sentence. It is just a simple I LOVE YOU. They might feel no matter how many fancy words cannot describe their indebted heart.
    Mom dry your eye when you cry, mom hold up you when you fell. Under mom’s protection,nothing can hurts you. This poem actually moved me, I recalled the days I spent with my mom. I love this poem because it did not using fancy words,but just these simple words built a warm poem.



When I was a small child

by Joao De Leon

When I was a small child.
you held my hand and smiled.
When I got hurt I would cry.
you would giggle and dry my eye.
life has difficult decisions and you were my guide.
you taught me how to decide.
you told me that the bad should be denied.
and that family should never be put aside.
when I was a small child.
I was a little wild.
as I grew I've done a few wrong things and it's true.
there's a lot of things I've wanted to tell you.
and when we have problems we always make it through.
but one thing that I want you to know is that


Homework Found Poem

The attack on the World Trade Center was one of the most observed catastrophes in history, and those who fell or jumped from the towers were, briefly, its most public victims. They emerged one or two at a time from a blanket of smoke and fire that rendered mass death virtually invisible. Nearly all the others killed that day -- whether high in the trade center, on board the hijacked airplanes or deep inside the Pentagon -- were beyond the sight of survivors and witnesses.

 9/11 is the we should remember,
 Because this attack is the most observed catastrophe.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because that day World Trade Center collapsed.
 9/11 is the day we should remember,
 Because there were plenty of people dead.

 Innocent people were killed,
 Whether high whether high in the trade center,
 on board the hijacked airplanes,
 or deep inside the Pentagon.

9/11 is the day we should all remember
We lost too much...
the world turn to white when New Year's Eve
I had never seen
so much snow
The snow keeps falling and falling
When we sleep.
That is my favorite memory
Cheshire academy is like a big family.
There are students from 17 states and 30 countries.
Living in this supportive community
We can learn many things.


The fig tree

  In the very beginning of the poem, we know the Father loves figs very much. He hopes those cherry trees are fig trees. Because he thinks fig tree is the gift from heaven. This big fig tree is the first thing his father dreams and finishes. It means a lot to his father, so that is why he takes care of that tree carefully and softly. Anyway this tree is a key go through and whole poem and all the stories happened around the fig tree.