
Review of gathering the pearls

                                     Review of Gathering of the pearls

   It is a good book to read especially for us. Because we are almost the same situation with her that we have to face the culture shock and make new friends. I really enjoyed reading it although reading it is homework. When I was reading it, sometimes I imagined what if I were Sookan and what I would do. The things happened around Sookan were similar to the international students in United States, so it catched my attention. I think it is a pretty good beginning, but I don't like the ending which is a bad ending. I just felt her mom died happened too suddenly that I thought I read wrong and I read over and over. I don't like this ending, it is very sad. I think it was just too much for Sookan. If I were Sookan, I would definitely passed out.
However this bad news didn't defeat Sookan, Sookan carried her mom’s hope to keep studying in United States. And at last Sookan really did a perfect job. She had two good friends called Marci and Ellen who shared worry with Sookan. She also had a good teacher called Sister Reed who solved many problems for Sookan( changing schedule, finding job).
   There are two characters in this book I like best. The first one is Sookan who is an amazing girl that lived on her own. No matter how hard the life is, she still could study carefully. One thing I really admire about her is she could earn money. For me I don't have to worry about the money, but Sookan had to worried about it and tried to earn money by doing heavy works. That is just seemed impossible for me. The second person I like is Sookan’s mom. I usually moved by her mom’s letters because the letters are always including the hope for Sookan and concern about Sookan. She was a really great mom, she knew she didn't have ability to give Sookan plenty of money, but she was able to give Sookan advice and encourage Sookan. Even the last letter, her mom didn't tell anything about her health, but still encourage Sookan. Because she didn't want Sookan to worry so many things. What a great mother.
    For this book I think every character has their own advantages to learn. Learning be outgoing from Ellen, learning planning own future from Marci.
    I will recommend this book to my friends. I have some friends who always complaining their lives. I will ask them to read this book and let them know even a young girl can do things great. Anyway I am happy that I finished this book, it encourages me a lot. I will never give up anything from now on.


A small, black velvet purse hung on the shoulder of the mannequin. (Mannequin: n, life-since model of a person which is used to display clothes)

To save money, I had purchased second-hand textbooks from upperclassmen at a fraction of the original price, (Second-hand: adj, something that is used before )

Many of our classmates were there, with drinks in hand, talking animatedly. (Animatedly: adj, living active)

Flustered, I faltered, then hurriedly responded, "Yes, well, I had a good time, too. Good night." (Faltered: v, the act of pausing uncertainly)

She would acknowledge that I had done something impulsive, but would say that it was okay. (Impulsive: adj, proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus)

I had always felt constrained there. (Constrained: adj, feel you're been limited or forced to do something)

A Gregorian chant program is scheduled for June, and students will be coming from around the world. (Gregorian chant: n, a liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church)

I reached to unclasp the pearl necklace, when suddenly, the strand broke, and all the pearls scattered across the floor. (Pearl: n, a hard, round object which is shiny and creamy white in color and they are usually expensive.)

I just want to elope and get our lives started now! (Elope: v, go away secretly together to get marked)
I would write to each of my taciturn brothers, even though they had never written to me. (Taciturn: adj, not speak very much)

I sat, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed. (Sobbed: v, cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths)

In a silk pouch that Mother had made was her thin, white gold wedding band. (Pouch: n, a flexible container)

As I stared forward listlessly, (Listlessly: adj, no energy or enthusiasm)

I was comforted by their high-pitched hymns reverberating in the domed chapel. (Hymn: n, a religious song that Christians sing in church)

She had fainted, and they found out it was a cerebral hemorrhage. (Fainted: v, pass out from weakness)


The ending of the Peter Pan

The ending was pretty good for me. Peter Pan won the battle, leader of the pirates was eaten by a huge crocodile. And Peter Pan saved all of them. They planned to go to Wendy's house to live, so the lost boys didn't have to worried about living. They got foods and friends. I think it is a normal good ending for sure because it is almost impossible to create a bad ending for children to read.

Peter Pan

                                                        About Peter Pan

    Today, I watched a drama called Peter Pan. I think they performed very well in general, especially my friend John that his voice is loud, so everybody in the Black Box was able to hear it clear. Speaking loudly and confidently is the fundamental and important thing in a drama. As an audience, I felt whether actresses or actors are professional. I could see their change of the face expression when they are shocked or amazed. That is one of the skill to make audiences think it is real, and also it may makes people laugh because some face expressions are really funny. I enjoyed that a lot. For this drama my most favorite part is when the aside reading the plot. A beam of light shined on her body that made audiences pay attention to only her.
    Peter Pan is a very famous story in the world because Disney once made a film. So I know the appearance of the Peter Pan who wears almost all great cloths. This drama describes Peter Pan always hides near the Wendy’s house to listen to Wendy’s mom called Ms Darling telling the story. And one day Ms Darling is aware of someone is hiding there, Peter Pan runs away and lost his shadow. The next day night Peter Pan goes to wendy’s room to find his shadow, but Wendy finds him. Peter Pan tells Wendy that he can teach Wendy how to fly, Wendy wakes up her two young brothers and they fly to NeverLand where Peter Pan lives. There is a fairy named Tinker Bell doesn't want Wendy and Peter Pan be so close. This Fairy tells Peter Pan’s friend that Wendy is bad, so they use arrow almost kill her, but they finally heal her when they know the truth. Wendy and Peter Pan live in there for a short time and one day Wendy tells all the people she can bring them to home to live together. Peter doesn't want to leave this land because he does not want to grow up. So Peter Pan decides to stay in this land. However Wendy and her friends get caught by a group of pirates, and Peter Pan goes to save them. After a tough fight, Peter Pan wins and the leader of the Pirates drops into the ocean and eaten by a huge crocodile.
   I like this story very much because it has a good ending, and I believe they will live happily in the future. This is my first time watching school’s drama and I feel it was a pretty good activity, I was amazed at the people’s great performance. I can easily see they really put efforts in this. I have to thank them.


Ms Guarino
YuPing Zong

                                                    Sookan’s future
    I think Sookhan now is already known about  American culture because she can see the difference between Korean and American. And her life will be much better. Her English will improve if she keeps staying with Americans and also she is going to fit in the life in America because she has many friends there. In my opinion, there are two turning points for Sookan.
    First I think she is going to earn some scholarships, so that she is able to pay something that she likes or needs. I think it is very possible for her to get scholarships because after she got up from the pass out, she was so worried about her study. From here I can see that she is a girl who cares about study very much. And she works hard as well even when she has to do plenty of works. I don't think Sookan will give up one day if she meets some difficulties during study. She has a clearly goal that she must study well so it can not let her mom and sister down. She knows how the life hard for her mom. She gets power from this. After she gets the scholarship, she can buy her favorite things. She might decorates her room, she might buy two soft pillows. She will have a feeling like being home because these two pillows make her comfortable. She might also buy many delicious food to supply some energies. She is too busy everyday and I think she knows foods are good for her health.
    The next turning point is when she going back to Korea. Sookan doesn't really come back to Korea very often, so day by day she will fit in American culture well and almost forget about the Korean culture. She will speak English like anytime speaker or she will be open and outgoing like Ellen. And that time she goes back to Korea, her mom must notice that she changes a lot even there is no any korean feeling left. I think her mom is going to tell Sookan that you cannot forget your own culture. Then Sookan is going to think about that too and she will realize her mom is right. Sookan will decide to change that not only containing American culture in her mind but both Korean culture and American culture.
  Anyway in my opinion, Sookan’s life is going to be better and better. She will involve in America well and might become a expert of culture because she knows Korea and America.