
Sookan found that Men in Korea never did housework
Sookan never got paid for baby sit
Sookan met her sister every month
Sookan spoke Korean
Sookan was more respectful to the elder people in Korean, and used more respectful language

Sookan sees Professor Benatte doing housework for his family
Sookan get paid for doing baby sit
Sookan uses letter to communicate with her sister
Sookan speak English
Sookan find people are equal in America, she didn't need to use many respectful language when she speaks to elder people


When I first came to America for studying, it was not that hard as Sookan. My mom planed all the things for me for example buying airplane ticket and renting car in United States. Therefore I didn't need to wait somebody pick me up and sent to school. And my parents went to America with me as well, so when I was waiting in the terminal, I didn't feel lonely because my mom talked to me. I also avoided some complicated process, I didn't have to wait in a long line for checking in. I could check in fast because I was able to check in with my father that he had a VIP card.  they were afraid that I could not take of myself so they bought many things which used in daily life. Before school started, my parents brought me to shopping mall. I had to bought the clothes used in sports and academic day. Some clothes were expensive that I didn't really want to pay for that, but my mom said:" it is ok because it is necessary. "


Why Marci always go alone?
How does Sook feel about Marci?
Why Sook felt melancholy after she read the letter from her mom.
Why Sook's mom felt guilty?
What is Sook's purpose of going back to Korea ?


The author is an American Korean. Her mother language is Korean but her nationality is American. She wrote something about Korean culture that share the information to American friends.


 YuPing Zong
Period G
Ms. Gu    arino

                                             My reading experience

       I love reading since I was a child. I have curiosity to read things especially when I am free, whether newspaper, novels or magazine. My mom told me I inherited this from my grandmother, and I found my grandmother really like seizing the book when she has nothing to do. And another reason I think I love reading is because the affection in my childhood. When I was very young, I was not able to read. There were many words I didn't understand but I still wanted to know what happen in the story, so that time my mom always read and explained for me. I really enjoyed that time and I think it helped me building the habit of reading.This is my first step of reading. The next step is reading comic books, dialogue with pictures could help me understand more about the plot,and also when I find some words which I don't know the definition it is a good way to see the pictures and match with the words. Then you might understand also collect the words. It was the process of reciting the words. Day by day, I had the ability to read by my own, so I turned to read some real fiction. For example, Anne Of Green Gables. When I first read this, I thought this is not interesting but reading this makes me sleepy. Then my mom told me I have to focus on how author describe a thing using analogy,parallelism or exaggerate? After my mom told me about this, I found the interest of reading. I remember one thing that my mom once asked me. “ a same story, do you like watching film better or reading a book?”. The answer I gave to my mom is watching film. However she did not think so, she told me that people are able to imagine more when people are reading, but the film has already give you the settings. There is a great example which I read before called Harry Potter. I remember in one scene Harry Potter rode a besom, but the film showed totally different with what I imagined.
     Writing for me is a tool to record the memory, so writing specific is the major point. I have to record people’s movement and mood, and also record some basic information that can help me remember something after so many years when I read this. For writing specific, I learnt to using parallelism to make my passage more active, I learnt to using analogy to make my passage more interesting and I learnt to using exaggeration to make my reader knows how it is serious. Now writing English stuffs is hard for me and I think I have lots of work to do. However I loved writing, I feel this is one of my hobby.